Dictionary English German: homotopy

Translation 1 - 10 of 10

English German
NOUN   homotopy | homotopies
math. homotopy
Homotopie {f}
2 Words
math. homotopy equivalent {adj}homotopieäquivalent
math. homotopy categoryHomotopiekategorie {f}
math. homotopy classHomotopieklasse {f}
math. homotopy equivalenceHomotopieäquivalenz {f}
math. homotopy groupHomotopiegruppe {f}
math. homotopy invarianceHomotopieinvarianz {f}
math. homotopy theoryHomotopietheorie {f}
math. null homotopy [also: null-homotopy]Nullhomotopie {f}
3 Words
comp. math. homotopy type theory <HoTT>Homotopietypentheorie {f} <HoTT>
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