Dictionary English German: high temperature

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NOUN   a high temperature | high temperatures
SYNO   heat | high temperature | hotness
phys. high-temperature superconductivity <high-Tc, HTS>Hochtemperatur-Supraleitfähigkeit {f}
high temperaturehohe Temperatur {f}
tech. high-temperature resistant {adj}hochtemperaturbeständig
ind. tech. high-temperature resistant {adj}hochtemperaturfest
tech. high-temperature resisting {adj}hochtemperaturbeständig
tech. high-temperature resisting {adj}hochwarmfest
high temperature circuitHochtemperaturkreislauf {m}
high temperature consumersHochtemperaturverbraucher {m}
tech. high temperature corrosionHochtemperaturkorrosion {f}
tech. high temperature strengthWarmfestigkeit {f}
phys. high-temperature anomalyHochtemperaturanomalie {f}
phys. high-temperature conductivityHochtemperaturleitfähigkeit {f}
material high-temperature materialHochtemperaturwerkstoff {m}
material high-temperature materialsHochtemperaturwerkstoffe {pl}
tech. high-temperature performanceHochtemperaturleistung {f}
material tech. high-temperature phaseHochtemperaturphase {f}
tech. high-temperature resistanceHochtemperaturbeständigkeit {f}
tech. high-temperature stabilityHochtemperaturbeständigkeit {f}
ind. material high-temperature steelHochtemperaturstahl {m}
meteo. daily high (temperature)Tageshöchstwert {m} [Temperatur]
daily high (temperature) [Am.]Tageshöchsttemperatur {f}
high temperature greasewärmebeständiges Schmierfett {n}
high-temperature greasewärmebeständiges Schmierfett {n}
electr. high-temperature superconductor <HTSC>Hochtemperatursupraleiter {m} <HTSL>
high temperature (resistant) steelhochwarmfester Stahl {m}
geogr. geol. high-temperature (geothermal) areaHochtemperaturgebiet {n} [Vulkanismus]
high-temperature (resistant) steelhochwarmfester Stahl {m}
constr. high-temperature gypsum plasterHochbrandgips {m} <HBG>
ind. material high-temperature resistant steelhochtemperaturfester Stahl {m}
tech. increased high-temperature strengthhöhere Wärmefestigkeit {f}
nucl. very-high-temperature reactor <VHTR>Höchsttemperaturreaktor {m}
material tech. high-temperature resistant {adj} [high-temperature-resistant]hochwarmfest
material tech. high-temperature resistanceBeständigkeit {f} gegen hohe Temperaturen
at a high temperature {adv}bei hoher Temperatur
constr. high-temperature gypsum plasterHochbranntgips {m} <HBG> [seltener für: Hochbrandgips]
nucl. high-temperature gas-cooled reactor <HTGR>gasgekühlter Hochtemperaturreaktor {m} <HTR>
steel for high-temperature serviceStahl {m} für hohe Wärmebeanspruchung
tech. high-temperature application [also: high temperature application]Hochtemperaturanwendung {f} [auch: Hochtemperatur-Anwendung]
material tech. high-temperature performance of sth.Leistungsverhalten {n} von etw.Dat. bei hohen Temperaturen
high temperature insulating brick <HTI brick>Isolierstein {m}
high temperature insulating brick <HTI brick>Schaumstein {m}
nucl. high-temperature reactor <HTR>Hochtemperaturreaktor {m} <HTR>
(thin-film) high-temperature superconductor Hall magnetometerHall-Magnetometer {n} mit (Dünnschicht-)Hochtemperatursupraleiter
gastr. ultra high temperature milk <UHT milk>ultrahocherhitzte Milch {f} <UHT-Milch>
Partial Matches
drugs high {adj} [coll.] [on drugs]high [ugs.] [unter Rauschgifteinfluss]
tech. high-speed electroslag welding <HSESW, high-speed ESW>Elektroschlacke-Schnellschweißen {n} <ESS>
electr. high output currentHigh-Ausgangsstrom {m}
sports high-impact {adj}high-impact [mit hoher Belastung, wird im Dt. nicht übersetzt]
educ. high school transcript [esp. Am. and Can.] [school report]High-School-Zeugnis {n}
spec. high levelHigh-Pegel {m}
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