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Partial Matches |
| yields | Gewinne {pl} | |
| stocks stock yields | Dividendenrenditen {pl} | |
| enormous yields | riesige Erträge {pl} | |
| fin. capital yields taxes | Kapitalertragssteuern {pl} | |
| fin. capital yields tax | Verrechnungssteuer {f} [schweiz.] | |
| fin. capital yields tax | Zahlstellensteuer {f} [schweiz.] | |
| tail-off in yields | Ertragsrückgang {m} | |
| traffic Left yields to right. | Rechts vor Links. | |
| fin. capital yields tax | Kapitalertragsteuer {f} <KapErtSt, KESt, KapESt, KapSt> | |
| The state-of-the-art electronics technology yields ... | Die heutige moderne Elektronik bietet ... | |
| sb./sth. yields sth. [results etc.] | jd./etw. liefert etw. [Ergebnisse usw.] | |
| drugs high {adj} [coll.] [on drugs] | high [ugs.] [unter Rauschgifteinfluss] | |
| phys. high-temperature superconductivity <high-Tc, HTS> | Hochtemperatur-Supraleitfähigkeit {f} | |
| tech. high-speed electroslag welding <HSESW, high-speed ESW> | Elektroschlacke-Schnellschweißen {n} <ESS> | |
| electr. high output current | High-Ausgangsstrom {m} | |
| ... yields a value for M = 1.4. | ... ergibt für M = 1,4. | |
| sports high-impact {adj} | high-impact [mit hoher Belastung, wird im Dt. nicht übersetzt] | |
| educ. high school transcript [esp. Am. and Can.] [school report] | High-School-Zeugnis {n} | |
| spec. high level | High-Pegel {m} | |
| high five [Am.] | High five {m} [Abklatschen zur Begrüßung oder Freude] | |
| med. QM High 5s project | High-5s-Projekt {n} [auch: Projekt High 5s] | |
| film photo. RadioTV high-key lighting | High-key-Beleuchtung {f} [auch: High-key-Ausleuchtung] | |
| film lit. F High Fidelity [novel: Nick Hornby, film: Stephen Frears] | High Fidelity | |
| chem. high-throughput / high throughput synthesis | Hochdurchsatzsynthese {f} [auch: Hochdurchsatz-Synthese] | |
| high roller | High Roller {m} [Glücksspieler mit hohen Einsätzen] | |
| chem. high-polymeric / high polymeric chemistry | Chemie {f} der Hochpolymeren | |
| high-top trainer (sneaker) | High-Top-Sneaker {m} [knöchelhoher Schuh für Sport, Training usw.] | |
| geogr. High Line [Manhattan park] | High Line {f} [Parkanlage] | |
| film F High Tension [USA] [Alexandre Aja] | High Tension | |
| lit. F High-Rise [J. G. Ballard] | High-Rise | |
| aviat. mile high club | Mile High Club {m} [fiktiver Club, in dem man Mitglied wird, wenn man während eines Fluges Sex hatte] | |
| film photo. RadioTV high-key photography | High-key-Fotografie {f} | |
| tech. high-speed assembly | High-Speed-Montage {f} | |
| FoodInd. gastr. high-fructose corn syrup <HFCS> | High-Fructose-Corn-Sirup {m} | |
| RadioTV F Blue Water High | Blue Water High - Die Surf-Academy | |
| audio high fidelity <hi-fi, hifi> | High Fidelity {f} <Hi-Fi> [Qualitätsstandard in der Tontechnik] | |
| MedTech. high-end digital system | digitales High-End-System {n} | |
| RadioTV F The High Chaparral | High Chaparral | |
| electr. high electron mobility transistor <HEMT> | High-Electron-Mobility-Transistor {m} <HEMT> [Transistor mit hoher Elektronenbeweglichkeit] | |
| film F Return to Horror High [Bill Froehlich] | Return to Horror High | |
| hist. Lord High Steward [Br.] | Lord High Steward {m} | |
| tech. high performance cutting <HPC> | High Performance Cutting {n} <HPC> [Hochleistungszerspanung] | |
| high {adj} {adv} | hoch | |
| high {adj} | hochgradig | |
| high {adj} | hohe | |
| meteo. high | Hoch {n} | |
| meteo. high | Hochdruckgebiet {n} | |
| high | Höchstkurs {m} | |
| high | Höchststand {m} | |
| high | Höhepunkt {m} | |