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 | heat {adj} [attr.] [e.g. absorption, balance, conductor, flow] | 171 Wärme- [z. B. Aufnahme, Haushalt, Leiter, Fluss] |  |
 | heat {adj} [attr.] [e.g. collapse, rash, dome, record, shield] | 34 Hitze- [z. B. Kollaps, Ausschlag, Glocke, Rekord, Schild] |  |
 | heat {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bed, pad, output, value] | 5 Heiz- [z. B. Bett, Kissen, Leistung, Wert] |  |
Verbs |
 | chem. to heat | 1069 erhitzen |  |
 | to heat sth. [e.g. a room; the windscreen / windshield] | 370 etw. beheizen [z. B. ein Zimmer; die Windschutzscheibe] |  |
 | to heat | 368 heizen |  |
 | to heat | 331 anwärmen |  |
 | to heat | 186 erwärmen |  |
 | to heat [heating] | 67 befeuern |  |
 | to heat sth. [e.g. a room, a flat, a house, etc.] | 14 etw.Akk. heizen [z. B. einen Raum, eine Wohnung, ein Haus usw.] |  |
Nouns |
 | heat1 | 1412 Hitze {f} |  |
 | heat1 | 143 Wärme {f} |  |
 | sports heat2 | 85 Lauf {m} [Durchgang] |  |
 | heat | 35 Feuer {n} |  |
 | weapons heat [Am.] [coll.] [gun] | 29 Knarre {f} [ugs.] [Schusswaffe] |  |
 | VetMed. zool. heat | 25 Brunst {f} [von weiblichen Tieren] |  |
 | sports heat2 | 25 Durchgang {m} [z. B.: Bob, Rennrodeln] |  |
 | sports heat2 [coll.] | 21 Ausscheidungskampf {m} |  |
 | sports heat2 | 18 Vorlauf {m} |  |
 | heat [Am.] [coll.] [guns] | 12 Knarren {pl} [ugs.] [Schusswaffen] |  |
 | biol. heat | 11 Läufigkeit {f} |  |
 | hist. med. heat [calor] | Calor {m} [Erwärmung] |  |
 | the heat [Am.] [sl.] [intensification of police activity in pursuing criminals] | erhöhter Ermittlungsdruck {m} |  |
 | the heat [Am.] [sl.] [police] | die Bullen {pl} [ugs.] [Polizei] |  |
 | the heat [Am.] [sl.] [police] | die Polizei {f} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | material heat-absorbing {adj} | wärmeabsorbierend |  |
 | material heat-absorbing {adj} | wärmeaufnehmend |  |
 | heat-affected {adj} | wärmebeeinflusst |  |
 | material heat-conducting {adj} {pres-p} | wärmeleitend |  |
 | material heat-conductive {adj} | wärmeleitend |  |
 | heat-denatured {adj} | hitzedenaturiert |  |
 | heat-dissipating {adj} | wärmeableitend |  |
 | phys. tech. heat-generating {adj} | wärmeerzeugend |  |
 | tech. heat-inactivated {adj} | hitzeinaktiviert |  |
 | heat-induced {adj} | hitzeinduziert |  |
 | heat-insulated {adj} | wärmegedämmt |  |
 | tech. heat-insulated {adj} | wärmeisolierend |  |
 | heat-insulating {adj} | hitzeisolierend |  |
 | tech. heat-insulating {adj} | wärmedämmend |  |
 | heat-insulating {adj} | wärmeisolierend |  |
 | tech. heat-labile {adj} | hitzeinstabil |  |
 | tech. heat-liable {adj} | hitzeanfällig |  |
 | heat-proof {adj} | hitzebeständig |  |
 | heat-proof {adj} | wärmebeständig |  |
 | tech. heat-reactive {adj} | hitzereaktiv |  |
 | tech. heat-reactive {adj} | wärmereaktiv |  |
 | heat-related {adj} | hitzebedingt |  |
 | heat-repellant {adj} [spv.] [heat-repellent] | hitzeabweisend |  |
 | heat-repellent {adj} | hitzeabweisend |  |
 | heat-resistant {adj} | ausbrennsicher |  |