Dictionary English German: hatte

Translation 1 - 50 of 420  >>

VERB  haben | hatte | gehabt ... 
sb./sth. had
jd./etw. hatte
2 Words: Others
he'd [he had]er hatte
it'd [it had]es hatte
I'd [I had]ich hatte
sb. scrupledjd. hatte Bedenken
sb./sth. hadn'tjd./etw. hatte nicht
she'd [she had]sie hatte
who'd [who had]wer hatte
3 Words: Others
The rain had come in. [e.g. through an open window etc.]Es hatte hereingeregnet.
sth. has / had broken offetw. hat / hatte abgebrochen
sth. has / had served its timeetw. hat / hatte ausgedient
sth. has / had been imminentetw. hat / hatte bevorgestanden
sth. has / had containedetw. hat / hatte enthalten
sth. has / had correspondedetw. hat / hatte entsprochen
sth. has / had resulted inetw. hat / hatte ergeben
sth. has / had billowed sth.etw. hat / hatte etw. geschwellt
sth. has / had swelled sth.etw. hat / hatte etw. geschwellt
sth. has / had spotted [stained]etw. hat / hatte gefleckt [regional] [hat / hatte Flecken gemacht, angenommen]
sth. has / had eatenetw. hat / hatte gefressen
sth. has / had fermentedetw. hat / hatte gegärt
sth. has / had smoldered [Am.]etw. hat / hatte geglimmt
sth. has / had smouldered [Br.]etw. hat / hatte geglimmt
sth. has / had smoldered [Am.]etw. hat / hatte geglommen
sth. has / had smouldered [Br.]etw. hat / hatte geglommen
sth. has / had fermentedetw. hat / hatte gegoren
sth. has / had soundedetw. hat / hatte geklungen
sth. has / had shoneetw. hat / hatte geschienen
sth. has / had hoveredetw. hat / hatte geschwebt
sth. has / had boiledetw. hat / hatte gesiedet
sth. has / had been thrown upetw. hat / hatte gestoben
sth. has / had taken placeetw. hat / hatte stattgefunden
I felt a pang of conscience.Ich hatte Gewissensbisse.
My heart skipped a beat. [fig.]Ich hatte Herzflimmern. [fig.]
sb. has / had cancelledjd. hat / hatte abgebrochen
sb. has / had submittedjd. hat / hatte abgegeben
sb. has / had handed overjd. hat / hatte abgegeben
sb. has / had slimmedjd. hat / hatte abgenommen
sb. has / had secludedjd. hat / hatte abgeschlossen
sb. has / had locked upjd. hat / hatte abgeschlossen
sb. has / had pushed offjd. hat / hatte abgestoßen
sb. has / had accreditedjd. hat / hatte anerkannt
sb. has / had acknowledgedjd. hat / hatte anerkannt
sb. has / had acceptedjd. hat / hatte angenommen
sb. has / had agreed tojd. hat / hatte angenommen
sb. has / had appliedjd. hat / hatte angewandt
sb. has / had deployedjd. hat / hatte angewandt
sb. has / had inscribedjd. hat / hatte aufgeschrieben
sb. has / had written downjd. hat / hatte aufgeschrieben
sb. has / had stipulatedjd. hat / hatte bedungen [selten]
sb. has / had commandedjd. hat / hatte befohlen
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