Dictionary English German: hat

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NOUN   a hat | hats
SYNO   chapeau | hat | lid
VERB  haben | hatte | gehabt ... 
sb./sth. has
jd./etw. hat
hath [archaic]
What do you want? A paper hat? [Br.] [coll.][ironische Antwort auf Wichtigtuerei]
idiom hat in hand {adv} [fig.]demütig
haveth [archaic]hat
cloth. hat-wearing {adj} {pres-p}huttragend
idiom black as your hat {adj} [coll.]pechschwarz [ugs.]
idiom to high-hat sb. [Am.]jdn. demütigen
idiom to throw one's hat into the ringkandidieren
cloth. hat [made of stiff material, particularly formal hats or hats with brims, e.g. sun hat, top hat]
Hut {m}
cloth. hat [cap or hat made of non-stiff material, e.g. bobble hat]
Mütze {f}
cloth. hat [with visor]
Kappe {f}
games hat [draw pot]
Topf {m} [Lostopf bei Auslosung, bes. im Fußball]
hat line [tan line across the forehead][Bräunungsstreifen auf der Stirn bei Hutträgern]
cloth. Shriner hat[Fes der Shriner]
cloth. terai (hat)[Filzhut mit breitem Rand, ursprünglich aus Terai in Indien]
tin foil hat [also: tinfoil hat] [also fig.]Aluhut {m} [auch: Aluminiumhut, Stanniolhut] [auch fig.]
tinfoil-hat wearer [fig.] [pej.] [conspiracy theorist]Aluhutträger {m} [fig.] [pej.] [Verschwörungstheoretiker]
hat tip [fig.] [recognition]Anerkennung {f}
cloth. fishing hatAnglerhut {m}
cloth. Karakul hat [also: caracul hat]Astrachanmütze {f}
cloth. swimming hatBadehaube {f}
cloth. swimming hatBadekappe {f}
cloth. swimming hatBademütze {f}
cloth. straw hatBasthut {m}
constr. traffic witches hat [coll.:construction cone]Baustellenkegel {m}
cloth. alpine hatBerghut {m}
cloth. beaver-fur hatBiberfellmütze {f}
cloth. beaver hatBiberhut {m}
cloth. beaver-fur hatBiberpelzmütze {f}
cloth. beaver-tail hatBiberschwanzmütze {f}
gastr. bishop's hat [napkin folding technique]Bischofshut {m} [Form für das Brechen von Mundservietten]
cloth. bolero hatBolero {m} [Hut]
cloth. bowler hatBowlerhut {m}
automot. brake rotor hatBremsscheibentopf {m}
bot. T
cloth. hist. mil. budenovka (hat)Budjonowka {f} [auch: Budenovka, Budionovka]
cloth. bush hatBuschhut {m}
cloth. hist. beaver (hat)Castorhut {m}
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
cloth. cowboy hatCowboyhut {m}
cloth. women's hatDamenhut {m}
cloth. hist. Doge's hatDogenmütze {f}
cloth. educ. trencher (cap / hat) [esp. Aus.] [mortarboard]Doktorhut {m}
sports hat-trickDreierpack {m} [Sportjargon]
cloth. tricorn (hat)Dreimaster {m} [Dreispitz]
cloth. tricorne (hat)Dreimaster {m} [Dreispitz]
cloth. cocked hatDreispitz {m}
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