Dictionary English German: harte

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SYNO   Bret Harte | Harte
ADJ  hart | härter | am härtesten
harter | harte | hartes
härtester | härteste | härtestes
NOUN1   der Hart | die Harte
NOUN2   der Harte/ein Harter | die Harten
severe requirementsharte Anforderungen {pl}
donkeywork [coll.]harte Arbeit {f}
drudgeryharte Arbeit {f}
donkey work [coll.]harte Arbeit {f}
hard workharte Arbeit {f}
stiff jobharte Arbeit {f}
heavy dutyharte Beanspruchung {f}
archi. Class A fire rated roof covering [Am.]harte Bedachung {f} [nach DIN 4102-7]
stringent conditionharte Bedingung {f}
harsh conditionsharte Bedingungen {pl}
severe treatmentharte Behandlung {f}
harsh penaltyharte Bestrafung {f}
law harsh sentenceharte Bestrafung {f}
severe punishmentharte Bestrafung {f}
stiff punishmentharte Bestrafung {f}
med. desmoid [a dense benign connective-tissue tumor]harte Bindegewebsgeschwulst {f}
econ. hard budget constraintharte Budgetbeschränkung {f}
drugs hard drugharte Droge {f}
drugs hard stuff [hard drugs] [coll.]harte Drogen {pl}
gastr. hard-boiled eggsharte Eier {pl}
harsh decisionharte Entscheidung {f}
automot. tech. stiff suspension [vehicle suspension]harte Federung {f}
anat. dura materharte Hirnhaut {f}
hard nipplesharte Knospen {pl} [ugs.] [erigierte Brustwarzen]
fierce competitionharte Konkurrenz {f}
med. optics hard contact lensesharte Kontaktlinsen {pl}
slam [coll.]harte Kritik {f}
pol. tough lineharte Linie {f}
hard nipplesharte Nippel {pl} [ugs.] [erigierte Brustwarzen]
games stickerharte Nuss {f}
hard nutharte Nuss {f}
headscratcher [fig.]harte Nuss {f} [fig.]
brain twister [coll.]harte Nuss {f} [fig.]
toughie [Am.] [coll.]harte Nuss {f} [fig.] [ugs.] [Problem]
poser [coll.] [difficult problem or question]harte Nuss {f} [ugs.]
brain-teaser [coll.]harte Nuss {f} [ugs.]
facer [Br.] [coll.] [major difficulty]harte Nuss {f} [ugs.] [fig.]
tough sellharte Nuss {f} [ugs.] [Redewendung] [bes. schwierige Sache, Handel etc.]
fin. unrestricted comfort letterharte Patronatserklärung {f}
law hard letter of comfort [rare]harte Patronatserklärung {f}
film lit. theatre hard punch lineharte Pointe {f} [Knalleffekt]
biol. hard polytomyharte Polytomie {f}
furnaceharte Prüfung {f}
acid testharte Prüfung {f}
MedTech. hard X-ray bremsstrahlungharte Röntgenbremsstrahlung {f}
MedTech. hard X-raysharte Röntgenstrahlen {pl}
MedTech. hard X-radiationharte Röntgenstrahlung {f}
MedTech. hard X-rays {pl}harte Röntgenstrahlung {f}
harsh penaltyharte Strafe {f}
law severe sentenceharte Strafe {f}
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