Dictionary English German: hairy

Translation 1 - 50 of 387  >>

English German
ADJ   hairy | hairier | hairiest
SYNO   haired | hairy | hirsute
hairy {adj} [coll.] [situation]
brenzlig [ugs.] [fig.]
hairy {adj}
hairy {adj} [also sl.: difficult]
haarig [auch ugs.: schwierig]
drugs hairy [sl.]
Heroin {n}
2 Words: Others
very hairy {adj}starkbehaart
very hairy {adj}stark behaart
2 Words: Nouns
med. hairy heart [Cor villosum]Zottenherz {n}
anat. hairy skinFelderhaut {f}
3 Words: Nouns
med. black hairy tongue <BHT> [Lingua villosa nigra, Lingua pilosa nigra]schwarze Haarzunge {f}
med. black hairy tongue <BHT> [Nigritis linguae; lingua villosa nigra]Trichoglossie {f} [schwarze Haarzunge]
med. giant hairy naevus [Br.]Tierfellnävus {m} [veraltend] [Riesennävus]
med. giant hairy nevus [Am.]Tierfellnävus {m} [veraltend] [Riesennävus]
math. hairy ball theoremProblem {n} des globalen Windes [Satz vom Igel]
math. hairy ball theoremSatz {m} vom (gekämmten) Igel [Satz von Poincaré-Brouwer]
med. hairy cell leukaemia <HCL> [Br.]Haarzellenleukämie {f} <HCL>
med. hairy cell leukaemia <HCL> [Br.]Haarzellleukämie {f} <HCL>
med. hairy cell leukemia <HCL> [Am.]Haarzellenleukämie {f} <HCL>
med. hairy cell leukemia <HCL> [Am.]Haarzellleukämie {f} <HCL>
entom. hairy scale-cricket [Arachnocephalus vestitus]Buschgrille {f}
dent. med. oral hairy leukoplakia <OHL> [rare: oral hair leukoplakia]orale Haarleukoplakie {f}
4 Words: Verbs
to have a hairy chesteine behaarte Brust haben
5+ Words: Others
film quote We wouldn't be caught dead with men. Rough, hairy beasts with eight hands. And all they want is just one thing from a girl. [Some Like It Hot]Wir würden uns mit Männern niemals abgeben. Diese schrecklichen haarigen Biester, die alles antatschen müssen. Und dabei wollen sie alle nur dasselbe von einem Mädchen.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Hairy Ape [Eugene O'Neill]Der haarige Affe
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
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