Dictionary English German: habt

Translation 1 - 27 of 27

VERB  haben | hatte | gehabt ... 
[you] have [said to two or more people]
[ihr] habt
[you] have [said to one person][Ihr] habt [veraltet] [Sie haben] [formelle Anrede an eine einzelne Person]
2 Words
[you] ain't got [nonstandard][ihr] habt nicht [besitzen]
[you] ain't [nonstandard] [haven't] [e.g. you ain't heard?][ihr] habt nicht [Partzip]
Attention!Habt Acht!
you've [you have]Ihr habt
3 Words
Are you hungry? [plural second person]Habt ihr Hunger?
Are you enjoying yourselves?Habt ihr Spaß?
Do you understand? [said to two or more people]Habt ihr verstanden?
to stand at attention [Br.]habt acht stehen
mil. position of attentionHabt-Acht-Stellung {f}
4 Words
Do you have any questions to add?Habt ihr (noch) Fragen?
What were you talking about? [asked to two or more people]Worüber habt ihr gesprochen?
5+ Words
Interesting job you guys have.'nen interessanten Job habt ihr Jungs da. [ugs.]
It's / That's a fair cop. [Br.] [Aus.] [coll.] [dated] [humorously said when being discovered doing something wrong and admitting it]Da habt ihr mich (wohl) drangekriegt. [ugs.]
Are you all set?Habt ihr alle Platz gefunden?
Did you do anything special? [said to two or more people]Habt ihr irgendetwas Besonderes gemacht?
Were you born / raised in a barn? [coll.] [hum.] [used to tell someone to shut a door]Habt ihr Säcke vor der Tür? [ugs.] [Aufforderung die Tür zu schließen]
Gorey! [Irish] [coll.] [dated] [idiom] [Shouted after a person who leaves a door open; in an attack upon Gorey in 1798, insurgents carried off all the doors.]Habt ihr zuhause Säcke vor den Türen? [ugs.] [Redewendung] [Frage an jdn., der eine Tür offen stehen lässt]
Jeet jet? [Did you eat yet?] [Am.] [sl.]Hast du / habt ihr schon gegessen?
We've missed you badly. [said to two or more people]Ihr habt uns sehr gefehlt.
quote Courage is the best defence that you have now. [The Lord of the Rings]Mut ist die beste Verteidigung, die ihr jetzt habt.
Just look what you've done! [said to two or more people]Seht nur, was ihr gemacht / angerichtet habt!
educ. What's for homework? [said to two or more people]Was habt ihr an Hausaufgaben auf?
What's your attitude to ...? [said to two or more people]Welche Einstellung habt ihr zu ...?
mil. to stand to attentionin Habt-Acht-Stellung stehen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
mus. F Hitherto you have asked for nothing in my NameBisher habt ihr nichts gebeten in meinem Namen [J. S. Bach, BWV 87]
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