Dictionary English German: grips

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NOUN   a grip | grips
VERB  to grip | gripped | gripped
gripping | grips
NOUN   der Grips | -
SYNO   Denkfähigkeit | Denkvermögen ... 
sb. grips
jd. greift
Griffe {pl}
gumption [coll.]
Grips {m} [ugs.]
brains {pl} [coll.]
Grips {m} [ugs.]
savvy [coll.]
Grips {m} [ugs.]
nous [Br.] [coll.]
Grips {m} [ugs.]
brain [coll.] [intelligence]
Grips {m} [ugs.]
sports grips [devices worn on the hands of artistic gymnasts]Turnriemchen {pl}
2 Words
cop-on [Irish] [coll.] [common sense]Grips {m} [ugs.]
tools gas grips {pl} [Br.] [monkey wrench]Engländer {m} [ugs.] [verstellbarer Schraubenschlüssel mit einseitigem Maul]
hand grips [handles]Handgriffe {pl} [Griffe, Haltegriffe]
tools mole grips {pl} [Br.]Festhaltezange {f}
tools mole grips {pl} [Br.]Gripzange {f}
bike vise grips [aka vice grips]Schraubgriffe {pl}
3 Words
at grips with sb. {adv}handgemein mit jdm.
Use your savvy! [coll.]Streng mal deinen Grips an! [ugs.]
4 Words
to come to grips with sb. [idiom]sichAkk. mit jdm. auseinandersetzen
to come to grips with sb./sth. [coll.] [idiom]mit jdm./etw. zurande kommen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to come to grips with sth. [idiom]etw.Akk. anpacken
to come to grips with sth. [idiom]etw.Dat. beikommen [ugs.] [bewältigen]
to come to grips with sth. [idiom]sichAkk. in etw.Akk. einarbeiten
to come to grips with sth. [idiom]etw.Akk. in den Griff bekommen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to get to grips with sth. [idiom]mit etw.Dat. klarkommen [ugs.]
to get to grips with sth. [idiom]etw.Akk. in Angriff nehmen [Redewendung]
to get to grips with sth. [idiom]etw.Akk. in den Griff bekommen [Redewendung]
to not have much upstairs [coll.] [idiom]nicht viel Grips haben [ugs.]
5+ Words
Show a bit of savvy! [coll.]Streng mal deinen Grips an! [ugs.]
to come to grips with a problemein Problem in den Griff bekommen
waste of money, brains, and time <WOMBAT> [coll.]Verschwendung {f} von Geld, Grips und Zeit
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