Dictionary English German: green goods

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Partial Matches
phys. Green's integral formulaGreen'sche Integralformel {f}
math. Green's functionGreen'sche Funktion {f}
math. Green's theorem [also: theorem of Green]Satz {m} von Green [auch: Satz von Gauß-Green]
green cardGreen Card {f} [Wohnsitznachweis für Ausländer in den USA]
orn. T
orn. T
bot. T
bot. T
mus. theatre green roomGreen Room {m} [Aufenthaltsraum/Aufwärmraum für Musiker]
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
orn. T
bot. T
math. Green-Riemann formulaGreen-Riemann'sche Formel {f}
film F The Big Green [Holly Goldberg Sloan]The Big GreenEin unschlagbares Team
lit. F Anne of Green Gables [Lucy Maud Montgomery]Anne auf Green Gables
zool. T
sports green [golf]Green {n}
lit. F The Green Mile 4: The Bad Death of Eduard Delacroix [Stephen King]The Green Mile 4: Der qualvolle Tod
lit. F The Green Mile 1: Two Dead Girls [Stephen King]The Green Mile 1: Der Tod der jungen Mädchen
lit. F The Green Mile 5: Night Journey [Stephen King]The Green Mile 5: Reise in die Nacht
lit. F The Green Mile 6: Coffey on the Mile [Stephen King]The Green Mile 6: Coffeys Vermächtnis
orn. T
whitish-green / whitish green {adj}weißlich-grün
lit. F The Green Mile 3: Coffey's Hands [Stephen King]The Green Mile 3: Coffeys Hände
orn. T
orn. T
lit. F The Green Mile 2: The Mouse on the Mile [Stephen King]The Green Mile 2: Die Maus im Todesblock
film F The Green Mile [Frank Darabont]The Green Mile
mil. Green Berets [coll.] [U.S. Army Special Forces soldiers]Green Berets {pl} [ugs.] [Soldaten der Spezialeinheit (Special Forces) der US Army]
goodsGüter {pl}
goodsWaren {pl}
comm. goods {pl}Gut {n}
goods {pl}Ware {f}
comm. law goodsbewegliche Sachen {pl}
transp. to convey goodsspedieren
agency goodsAgenturwaren {pl}
gastr. baked goodsBackwaren {pl}
gastr. baked goods {pl}Backwerk {n}
bale goods {pl}Ballenware {f}
comm. barter goods {pl}Tauschware {f}
comm. bonded goods {pl}Zollverschlussware {f}
branded goodsMarkenartikel {pl}
comm. branded goods {pl}Markenware {f}
transp. bulk goodsMassengüter {pl}
comm. bulk goods {pl}Massenware {f}
bulk goods {pl}Schüttgut {n}
bulky goodsSperrgüter {pl}
bulky goods {pl}Sperrgut {n}
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