Dictionary English German: graphics

Translation 1 - 75 of 75

English German
NOUN1   graphic | graphics
NOUN2   graphics | -
SYNO   art | artwork | graphics ... 
art comp. graphics {adj}
Grafiken {pl}
art graphics
Graphik {f}
graphics [drawings]
Zeichnungen {pl}
Grafik {f}
art graphics
Graphiken {pl}
graphics {sg} [subject]
Zeichnen {n}
comp. graphicsGrafikdatenverarbeitung {f}
graphicsKurven {pl}
art graphicsgraphische Kunst {f}
graphicszeichnerische Darstellungen {pl}
graphics {sg}grafische Darstellung {f}
2 Words: Others
graphics-oriented {adj}grafikorientiert
2 Words: Nouns
active graphicsGraphikverarbeitung {f} mit graphischer Ein- und Ausgabe
business graphicsGeschäftsgrafik {f}
business graphicsPräsentationsgrafik {f}
comp. computer graphicsComputergrafik {f}
comp. computer graphicsgraphische Datenverarbeitung {f}
acad. explosion graphics [usually treated as sg.] [science]Explosionsgrafik {f}
comm. market. floor graphics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]Fußbodenwerbung {f}
comp. graphics adapterGrafikkarte {f}
comp. graphics applicationGrafikanwendung {f}
comp. graphics boardGrafikkarte {f}
math. tech. graphics calculatorgrafikfähiger Taschenrechner {m} <GTR>
comp. graphics cardGrafikkarte {f}
graphics characterGrafikzeichen {n}
art graphics collectionGrafiksammlung {f}
art graphics collectionGraphiksammlung {f}
comp. graphics cursorGraphikcursor {m}
jobs graphics departmentGrafikabteilung {f}
comp. graphics driverGrafiktreiber {m}
comp. MedTech. graphics functionGrafikfunktion {f}
comp. MedTech. graphics functionGraphikfunktion {f}
comp. graphics memoryGrafikspeicher {m}
comp. graphics modeGrafikmodus {m}
MedTech. graphics monitorGrafikmonitor {m}
MedTech. graphics monitorGraphikmonitor {m}
comp. graphics padGrafiktablett {n}
comp. graphics printerGrafikdrucker {m}
comp. graphics printerGraphikdrucker {m}
graphics printergrafikfähiger Drucker {m}
graphics processingGraphikverarbeitung {f}
comp. graphics programZeichenprogramm {n}
comp. graphics programming [also: graphic programming]Grafikprogrammierung {f} [auch: Grafik-Programmierung]
comp. graphics screenGraphikbildschirm {m}
comp. graphics software <graphics SW>Grafiksoftware {f} <Grafik-SW>
graphics tabletGrafiktablett {n}
comp. graphics tabletGraphiktablett {n} [Rsv.]
graphics terminalgrafisches Terminal {n}
comp. graphics unitGrafikeinheit {f}
information graphics {pl} [usually treated as sg.] [science]Informationsgrafik {f} [Wissenschaft]
interactive graphicsinteraktive grafische Datenverarbeitung {f}
passive graphicsGraphikdatenverarbeitung {f} [nur Ausgabe]
presentation graphicsPräsentationsgrafik {f}
art printed graphicsDruckgraphik {f}
ind. tech. process graphics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]Prozessgrafik {f}
comp. raster graphicsRastergrafik {f}
comp. raster graphicsRastergraphik {f}
comp. screen graphicsBildschirmgraphik {f}
vector graphicsVektorgrafik {f}
math. vector graphicsVektorgraphiken {pl} [Rsv.]
comp. wireframe graphicsDrahtdarstellung {f}
comp. wireframe graphicsDrahtgittermodell {n}
3 Words: Nouns
comp. film 2D computer graphics2D-Computergrafik {f}
comp. film 3D computer graphics3D-Computergrafik {f}
comp. Accelerated Graphics Port <AGP>[spezieller Grafikkarten-Steckplatz]
comp. computer graphics systemComputergraphiksystem {n} [auch: Computergraphik-System]
comp. graphics card slotGrafikkartensteckplatz {m}
comp. graphics card slotGraphikkartensteckplatz {m}
comp. graphics interchange format <GIF>GIF {n} [Grafikformat]
comp. graphics processing unit <GPU>Grafikprozessor {m} <GPU>
comp. high-resolution graphicsGrafik {f} mit hoher Auflösung
comp. portable network graphics <PNG>PNG {n} [Grafikformat]
5+ Words: Others
comp. Can your computer do graphics?Ist Ihr / dein Computer grafikfähig? [veraltend]
5+ Words: Nouns
comp. educ. computer graphics and image processingComputergrafik und Bildverarbeitung <CGBV> [auch Studiengangsbezeichnung]
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