Dictionary English German: goldene

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econ. geogr. Golden Banana [conurbation lying between Valencia in the west and Genoa in the east along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea]Goldene Banane {f} [verdichteter Großraum entlang der Mittelmeerküste bis Valencia, Spanien]
biotech. comp. gold biotechnologygoldene Biotechnologie {f}
golden bridgegoldene Brücke {f}
bridge of goldgoldene Brücke {f}
hist. sports Golden Team [Hungary national football team of the 1950s]Goldene Elf {f} [ungarische Fußballnationalmannschaft der 1950er]
golden goose [fig.]goldene Gans {f} [fig.]
golden opportunitygoldene Gelegenheit {f}
film Razzie AwardGoldene Himbeere {f}
film Golden Raspberry AwardGoldene Himbeere {f}
golden weddinggoldene Hochzeit {f}
golden wedding anniversarygoldene Hochzeit {f}
hist. Golden HordeGoldene Horde {f}
golden yearsgoldene Jahre {pl}
art Golden Madonna of EssenGoldene Madonna {f}
idiom golden meangoldene Mitte {f}
pol. juste milieugoldene Mitte {f}
geogr. Golden Shell [Conca d'Oro: valley by Palermo, Sicily]Goldene Muschel {f}
golden touchgoldene Note {f}
golden rulegoldene Regel {f}
art relig. Golden Rose [papal ornament]Goldene Rose {f} [Papstrose]
mus. gold discgoldene Schallplatte {f}
mus. gold recordGoldene Schallplatte {f}
watches gold watchgoldene Uhr {f}
wise wordsgoldene Worte {pl}
words of wisdomgoldene Worte {pl}
golden agegoldene Zeit {f}
idiom golden daysgoldene Zeiten {pl}
3 Words: Nouns
drugs geogr. the Golden Triangledas Goldene Dreieck {n}
the happy mediumder goldene Mittelweg {m}
geogr. El Dorado State [nickname] [California]der Goldene Staat {m} [Spitzname] [Kalifornien]
relig. the Golden Templeder goldene Tempel {m}
geogr. the Golden City [Prague]die Goldene Stadt {f} [Prag]
4 Words: Verbs
bibl. idiom to worship the golden calfdas Goldene Kalb verehren
to keep the golden meandie goldene Mitte einhalten
to find the happy mediumdie goldene Mitte finden
to practice the golden rule [Am.]die goldene Regel anwenden
4 Words: Nouns
hist. Golden Bull of 1356 [Holy Roman Empire]Goldene Bulle {f} von 1356 [Heiliges Römisches Reich]
Congressional Gold Medal [USA]Goldene Ehrenmedaille {f} des Kongresses
5+ Words: Others
proverb For a flying enemy make a golden bridge.Dem fliehenden Feind baue goldene Brücken.
5+ Words: Verbs
to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs [idiom]das Huhn schlachten, das goldene Eier legt [Redewendung]
to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs [idiom]die Gans schlachten, die goldene Eier legt [Redewendung]
to make a mint (of money) [coll.]sichDat. eine goldene Nase verdienen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to practice the golden rule [Am.]sich an die goldene Regel halten
5+ Words: Nouns
sports dead rubber [irrelevant match due to earlier results]Spiel {n} um die goldene Ananas [ugs.] [hum.] [sarkastisch: für Pflichtspiel, welches wegen Tabellenkonstellation irrelevant geworden ist]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Golden Calf [Ilja Ilf and Jewgeni Petrow]Das goldene Kalb
lit. F The Golden Notebook [Doris Lessing]Das goldene Notizbuch
film F The Golden Blade [Nathan Juran]Das goldene Schwert
mus. F The Golden Spinning Wheel [Antonín Dvořák]Das goldene Spinnrad
film F Hold Back the Dawn [Mitchell Leisen]Das goldene Tor
lit. F The Girl, the Gold Watch and Everything [John D. MacDonald]Das Mädchen, die goldene Uhr und der ganze Rest
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