Dictionary English German: ging

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VERB1   eingehen | ging ein/einging | eingegangen
VERB2   gehen | ging | gegangen
sb./sth. went
jd./etw. ging
sb./sth. walked
jd./etw. ging
sb. ambulatedjd. ging
ging [Aus.] [coll.] [child's catapult]Kindersteinschleuder {m} [selten]
2 Words: Others
sth. went onetw. ging an
sth. tallied [agreed]etw. ging auf
sth. gronked (out) [Am.] [sl.]etw. ging kaputt [ugs.]
sth. regressedetw. ging zurück
sth. retrogradedetw. ging zurück
sb. soloedjd. ging allein
sb. skirtedjd. ging herum
sb./sth. went outjd./etw. ging aus
sb./sth. went missingjd./etw. ging verloren
sb./sth. went aheadjd./etw. ging voran
sb./sth. forewent [archaic]jd./etw. ging vorher
3 Words: Others
Everything went blooey. [Am.] [coll.]Alles ging daneben.
All went well.Alles ging gut.
It couldn't be more obvious.Auffälliger ging's nicht.
He struck for home.Er ging heimwärts.
It could have been worse.Es ging so.
sth. was accompanied by sth.etw. ging einher mit etw.Dat.
I went shopping.Ich ging einkaufen.
4 Words: Others
Everything went well.Alles ging gut (vonstatten).
After that he went out.Danach ging er hinaus.
That was a close shave. [idiom]Das ging glimpflich aus. [Redewendung]
The motor broke down.Der Motor ging kaputt. [ugs.]
The attempt failed.Der Versuch ging daneben.
He went the whole hog. [coll.] [idiom]Er ging aufs Ganze. [Redewendung]
He went after all.Er ging schließlich doch.
He went his way.Er ging seines Weges.
idiom It was a stormy affair.Es ging heiß her.
There was hardly any wind.Es ging kaum Wind.
meteo. There was no breeze.Es ging kein Lüftchen.
meteo. There was no wind at all.Es ging kein Lüftchen.
There was no wind.Es ging kein Wind.
I felt like shit. [vulg.] [idiom]Es ging mir beschissen. [vulg.] [Redewendung]
I had a bad time.Es ging mir schlecht.
sth. backfired [coll.] [fig.]etw. ging nach hinten los [ugs.] [fig.]
idiom He shot his load. [vulg.] [ejaculated]Ihm ging einer ab. [vulg.] [ejakulierte]
sb. has taken to the streets [to protest]jd. ging auf die Straße [um zu protestieren]
automot. sb. ran out of gas [Am.]jdm. ging der Sprit aus [ugs.]
My calculation failed.Meine Berechnung ging daneben.
Mother went to market.Mutter ging zum Markt.
as far as possible {adv} [in the past]so weit es ging
as much as possible {adv} [in the past]so weit es ging
5+ Words: Others
idiom Everything went quickly.Alles ging Schlag auf Schlag.
It was just one of those days. [idiom]An diesem Tag ging mal wieder alles schief.
The party became hot and heavy. [Am.] [coll.]Auf der Party ging es heiß her. [ugs.]
Everyone had great fun at the party.Auf der Party ging es hoch her. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
The sparks really flew in the debate. [coll.]Bei der Debatte ging es heiß her. [ugs.]
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