Dictionary English German: ganzen

Translation 1 - 50 of 206  >>

NOUN   das Ganze/ein Ganzes | - [allgemeine Bedeutungen]/die Ganzen [in der Mathematik]
altogether {adv}im Ganzen
en bloc {adv}im Ganzen
in all {adv}im Ganzen
in toto {adv}im Ganzen
a total of {prep}im Ganzen
as a whole {adv}im Ganzen
first and last {adv} [reckoned altogether]im Ganzen
in the aggregate {adv}im Ganzen
3 Words: Others
all over the body {adv}am ganzen Körper
throughout the market {adv}am ganzen Markt
all the way home {adv}den ganzen Heimweg
all summer {adv}den ganzen Sommer
all day long {adv}den ganzen Tag
all day through {adv}den ganzen Tag
the whole day {adv}den ganzen Tag
all that wayden ganzen Weg
on the whole {adv} [idiom]im Ganzen (gesehen) [Redewendung]
in its entirety {adv}im ganzen Ausmaß
to the whole extent {adv}im ganzen Ausmaß
all over the building {adv}im ganzen Gebäude
taken as a whole {adv} [in total]im Ganzen genommen
all over the house {adv}im ganzen Haus
all round the house [inside]im ganzen Haus
all over the shop {adv}im ganzen Laden
nationally {adv}im ganzen Land
throughout the country {adv}im ganzen Land
all over the country {adv}im ganzen Land
in the whole country {adv}im ganzen Land
all round / around the country {adv}im ganzen Land
statewide {adv}im ganzen Staat
by the truckload {adv}in ganzen Wagenladungen
3 Words: Verbs
to swallow sth. wholeetw. im Ganzen schlucken
to show complete commitmentganzen Einsatz zeigen
to sell in bulkim Ganzen verkaufen
to pay in fullim Ganzen zahlen
3 Words: Nouns
the full detailsdie ganzen Einzelheiten {pl}
everything one thinksdie ganzen Gedanken {pl}
all their hopesihre ganzen Hoffnungen {pl} [ihre: 3. Pers. Plural]
all her garmentsihre ganzen Kleider {pl} [ihre: 3. Pers. Singular] [Kleidung]
all of my effortsmeine ganzen Anstrengungen {pl}
all his little aches and painsseine ganzen Wehwehchen {pl} [ugs.]
4 Words: Others
all over the floor {adv}auf dem ganzen Boden
all the way home {adv}auf dem ganzen Heimweg
all over the place {adv}auf dem ganzen Platz
all over the earth {adv}auf der ganzen Erde
all over the island {adv}auf der ganzen Insel
down-the-line {adj} [attr.] [coll.] [thorough and uncompromising]auf der ganzen Linie [nachgestellt] [fig.]
across the board {adv} [idiom]auf der ganzen Linie [Redewendung]
all along the line {adv} [idiom]auf der ganzen Linie [Redewendung]
worldwide {adj} {adv}auf der ganzen Welt
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