Dictionary English German: fur

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NOUN1   a fur | furs
NOUN2   fur [hair of animals, coating] | -
VERB  to fur | furred | furred ... 
fur [thick fur, e.g. on a bear or fox]
Pelz {m}
fur [fur with fewer than 400 hairs per square cm, e.g. on a dog, cat or deer]
Fell {n}
med. fur [on tongue]
Belag {m}
fur {sg} [shed by a pet]
Haare {pl} [von einem Haustier verloren]
Pelzwerk {n}
fur [in water pipes]
Wasserstein {m}
fur [in a boiler or kettle]
Kesselstein {m}
fur [material, commodity]
Rauchwerk {n} [Pelzwerk]
fur {sg} [processed hide with hair]Rauhwaren {pl} [alt] [österr.] [regional] [Rauchwaren (Pelze)]
fur {sg} [processed hide with hair]Rauwaren {pl} [österr.] [regional] [Rauchwaren (Pelze)]
2 Words: Others
fur-covered {adj} [also: fur covered]pelzumkleidet
cloth. fur-lined {adj}pelzgefüttert
cloth. fur-lined {adj}mit Pelz gefüttert
cloth. fur-trimmed {adj}mit Pelz verbrämt
2 Words: Verbs
to fur up [Br.] [caused by hard water]verkalken [durch Kesselsteinbildung]
to shed furdas Winterfell verlieren [Tiere]
2 Words: Nouns
animal furTierfell {n}
cloth. artificial furKunstfell {n}
cloth. beaver furBiberpelz {m}
belly furBauchfell {n} [Fell am Bauch]
cat furKatzenfell {n}
chin furKinnfell {n}
dog furHundefell {n}
fake furKunstfell {n}
textil. fake furKunstpelz {m}
fake furPelzimitation {f}
textil. fake furWebpelz {m}
textil. fake furkünstlicher Pelz {m}
textil. faux furKunstfell {n}
textil. faux furKunstpelz {m}
textil. faux furPelzimitat {n}
textil. faux furWebpelz {m}
textil. faux furkünstlicher Pelz {m}
zool. fox furFuchsfell {n}
fox furFuchspelz {m}
textil. fun furKunstpelz {m}
fur blanketHaardecke {f} [aus Haaren gewirkte Decke]
cloth. fur bootPelzstiefel {m}
cloth. fur bootsFellstiefel {pl}
cloth. fur bootsPelzstiefel {pl}
cloth. fur braFell-BH {m}
cloth. fur braPelz-BH {m}
cloth. fur capFellmütze {f}
cloth. fur capPelzmütze {f}
cloth. fur clothingPelzkleidung {f}
cloth. comm. fur clothing {sg}Rauchwaren {pl} [Pelze, Pelzwaren]
cloth. fur coatFellmantel {m}
cloth. fur coatPelzmantel {m}
cloth. fur coat [to be worn in the city]Stadtpelz {m}
cloth. fur coatsPelzmäntel {pl}
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