Dictionary English German: full value

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full-value {adj}vollwertig
full valuevoller Wert {m}
at full value {adv}zum vollen Wert
pharm. full scale valueSkalenendwert {m} [z. B. auf Messzylindern]
at its full value {adv}in seinem vollen Wert
at the full market value {adv}zu vollem Marktwert
payment of the full face valueZahlung {f} des vollen Betrags
comm. the full replacement value [e.g. of the stolen car]der volle Gegenwert {m} [z. B. für das gestohlene Auto]
Partial Matches
math. full-logarithmic / full-log graph paper [dual logarithmic]doppeltlogarithmisches Papier {n}
comp. jobs full-stack developer [also: fullstack developer]Full-Stack-Entwickler {m}
MedTech. full-field digital mammographydigitale Full-Field-Mammographie {f}
dent. radioactive dentin abrasion value <RDA value>RDA-Wert {m} [Maß für die abtragende Wirkung / Abrasivität beim Zähneputzen]
dent. relative dentin abrasion value <RDA value>RDA-Wert {m} [Maß für die abtragende Wirkung / Abrasivität beim Zähneputzen]
med. MedTech. fractional anisotropy value <FA value>fraktionaler Anisotropiewert {m} <FA-Wert>
electr. tech. full-custom design <FCD>Full-Custom-Entwurf {m}
by the street-full / street full {adv}straßenweise
constr. thermal transmittance (value) <U-value>Wärmedurchgangskoeffizient {m} <U-Wert>
comm. comp. telecom. value-added resellers <VARs>Value-Added-Reseller {pl} [Wiederverkäufer]
common value auction <CVA>Common-Value-Auktion {f}
private value auction <PVA>Private-Value-Auktion {f}
comm. econ. full service providerFull-Service-Dienstleister {m}
tech. full-service contractFull-Service-Vertrag {m}
film F Full Eclipse [Anthony Hickox]Full Eclipse
mus. full anthemFull Anthem {n} [mehrstimmig]
games full houseFull House {n} [Poker]
biochem. FoodInd. lethality value <L, L-value>Letalitätswert {m} <L, L-Wert>
stat. probability value <p-value, p>p-Wert {m} <p> [Wahrscheinlichkeitswert]
econ. earned value method <EVM>Earned-Value-Methode {f} <EVM>
med. QM care value chain management <CVC management>Management {n} der Care Value Chain
full {adj}voll
full {adj}vollwertig
textil. to fullwalken
film photo. full shotFull Shot {m}
full speedFull Speed {m} {f}
RadioTV F Full HouseFull House
full {adj} [complete]komplett
full {adj} [complete]vollständig
full {adj} [voice]sonor
print full bleed {adj}randabfallend
cloth. full flared {adj}gebauscht
philat. full margins {adj}vollrandig
full up {adj}voll
full-aged {adj}volljährig
full-blooded {adj}heißblütig
full-blooded {adj}vollblütig
full-blown {adj}vollgeblasen
oenol. full-bodied {adj}kernig
oenol. full-bodied {adj}körperreich
oenol. full-bodied {adj}vollmundig
gastr. oenol. full-body {adj}körperreich
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