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| – |
 | full {adj} | 2632 voll |  |
 | full {adj} [complete] | 413 vollständig |  |
 | full {adj} [complete] | 332 komplett |  |
 | full {adj} [colours, sounds, also person after eating] | 282 satt [Sättigungsgefühl, auch von Farben, Klang etc.] |  |
 | full {adj} [complete] | 36 ganz [vollständig] |  |
 | full {adj} [occupied, crowded] | 34 besetzt |  |
 | full {adj} [chubby, well-rounded] | 25 prall [Backen, Brüste] |  |
 | full {adj} | 23 vollwertig |  |
 | full {adj} [complete, total] | 20 völlig |  |
 | full {adj} [filled with sth.] | 16 angefüllt |  |
 | full {adj} [skirt, curtain] | 9 bauschig |  |
 | full {adj} [breasts] | 9 drall [Brüste] |  |
 | full {adj} [busy, active] | 8 ausgefüllt [Zeit, Leben] |  |
 | full {adj} [entire] | 8 umfassend [alles enthaltend, vollständig] |  |
 | full {adv} [very] | 5 ganz [sehr] |  |
 | full {adj} [full up] | voll belegt |  |
 | full {adj} [voice] | sonor |  |
Verbs |
 | textil. to full | 20 walken |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | almost full {adj} | fast voll |  |
 | brim-full {adj} [also: brimfull] | randvoll [übervoll] |  |
 | chock-full {adj} [coll.] | rammelvoll [ugs.] |  |
 | chock-full {adj} [coll.] | rappelvoll [ugs.] |  |
 | chock-full {adj} [coll.] | gerammelt voll [ugs.] |  |
 | chock-full {adj} [coll.] | zum Überlaufen voll |  |
 | chock-full {adj} [coll.] | knüppelvoll [ugs.] |  |
 | chock-full {adj} [coll.] | pickepackevoll [ugs.] |  |
 | completely full {adj} | ganz voll |  |
 | crammed full {adj} | proppenvoll [ugs.] |  |
 | comp. disk full [diskette] | Diskette voll |  |
 | comp. disk full [hard disk] | Festplatte voll |  |
 | full (up) {adj} | satt [gesättigt] |  |
 | naut. full beam {adj} | über die volle Schiffsbreite [nachgestellt] |  |
 | print full bleed {adj} | randabfallend |  |
 | full board | mit voller Verpflegung |  |
 | full dress {adj} [attr.] | Gala- |  |
 | art full face {adv} | en face |  |
 | art full face {adj} | En-face- |  |
 | cloth. full flared {adj} | gebauscht |  |
 | full force {adv} [also: full-force] [to hit, attack, etc.] | mit voller Wucht [treffen, angreifen etc.] |  |
 | full force {adv} [to hit, attack, etc.] | mit voller Gewalt [treffen, angreifen etc.] |  |
 | mus. theatre full house [sold out] | ausverkauft [volles Haus] |  |
 | philat. full margins {adj} | vollrandig |  |
 | full of {adj} | voller [indekl.] |  |
 | Full stop! [Br.] | Basta! |  |
 | full up {adj} | voll |  |
 | full up {adj} | (voll) besetzt [Bus, Zug] |  |
 | full up [Br.] [hotel] | voll belegt |  |
 | full-aged {adj} | großjährig [veraltend] |  |
 | full-aged {adj} | volljährig |  |
 | full-blood {adj} [Am.] [mostly dated] [esp. Indian, Native American, etc.] | Vollblut- |  |