Dictionary English German: fruit bearing

Translation 1 - 50 of 1466  >>

SEE ALSO  fruitbearing
bot. fruit-bearing {adj}fruchttragend
Keywords contained
bot. hort. fruit-bearing treeObstbaum {m}
agr. bot. fruit-bearing treesObstbäume {pl}
Partial Matches
entom. T
bearing {adj}erduldend
bearing {adj} {pres-p}ertragend
bearing {adj} {pres-p}tragend
constr. tech. bearingAuflager {n}
tech. bearingAuflagerung {f} [Stahlbau]
bearingDulden {n}
bearingErtragen {n}
naut. bearingKurs {m} [eines Schiffes]
tech. bearingLager {n} [z. B. Kugellager]
tech. bearingLagerung {f}
naut. bearingPeilung {f}
bearingRichtung {f} des Kompasses
bearingSeite {f} [Stellung, Richtung]
bearing [attitude]Haltung {f} [innerlich]
bearing [behaviour]Gebaren {n}
bearing [behaviour]Verhalten {n}
bearing [deportment]Haltung {f} [Körperhaltung]
bearing [fruit]Tragen {n}
bearing [manners]Manieren {pl}
bearing [posture]Stellung {f} [körperlich]
bearing [significance]Bedeutung {f} [Tragweite]
geol. mineral. asbestos-bearing {adj}asbesthaltig
fin. bearing interest {adj}verzinslich
zool. byssus-bearing {adj}byssustragend
chem. cadmium-bearing {adj}cadmiumhaltig
geol. carbonate-bearing {adj}karbonathaltig
child-bearing {adj}schwanger
geol. clay-bearing {adj}tonhaltig
geol. clinopyroxene-bearing {adj}klinopyroxenführend
geol. coal-bearing {adj}kohleführend
geol. coal-bearing {adj}kohlehaltig
geol. copper-bearing {adj}kupferführend
chem. copper-bearing {adj}kupferhaltig [Erz]
geol. diamond-bearing {adj}diamanthaltig
med. VetMed. egg-bearing {adj}eiertragend
egg-bearing {adj}oophor-
geol. hist. fossil-bearing {adj}fossilführend
geol. hist. fossil-bearing {adj}fossilienhaltig
mineral. garnet-bearing {adj}granatführend
geol. mineral. garnet-bearing {adj}granathaltig
gem-bearing {adj}edelsteinbehangen
biol. germ-bearing {adj}keimtragend
geol. mining gold-bearing {adj}goldführend
gold-bearing {adj}goldhaltig
geol. graphite-bearing {adj}graphitführend
geol. graphite-bearing {adj}graphithaltig
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