| English | German | |
| – |
| fruit {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cultivation, dealer, grower, knife] | 43 Obst- [z. B. Anbau, Händler, Bauer, Messer] | |
| fruit {adj} [attr.] [e.g. drink, flavour, gums, setting] | 24 Frucht- [z. B. Getränk, Geschmack, Gummis, Ansatz] | |
| fruit {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cup, quark, tea, fasting] | 10 Früchte- [z. B. Cocktail, Quark, Tee, Fasten] | |
Verbs |
| bot. hort. to fruit [e.g. of a tree or bush; to produce fruit] | Früchte tragen [z. B. Baum, Strauch; Früchte hervorbringen] | |
Nouns |
| bot. fruit2 {sg} | 2764 Früchte {pl} [insgesamt] | |
| bot. gastr. fruit2 | 2242 Obst {n} | |
| fruit1 [also fig.] | 942 Frucht {f} [auch fig.] | |
| fruit [fig.] [result] | 17 Ergebnis {n} | |
| fruit [Am.] [sl.] [male homosexual] [can be pej.] | 15 Schwuchtel {f} [ugs.] [pej.] | |
| fruit [result] | 10 Resultat {n} | |
| fruit [harvest] | 8 Ertrag {m} | |
| fruit [Am.] [coll.] [derogatory] | 6 Homo {m} [ugs.] | |
2 Words: Others |
| fruit-based {adj} | auf Früchtebasis [nachgestellt] | |
| bot. fruit-bearing {adj} | fruchttragend | |
| FoodInd. gastr. fruit-flavored {adj} [Am.] | mit Fruchtgeschmack [nachgestellt] | |
| FoodInd. gastr. fruit-flavoured {adj} [Br.] | mit Fruchtgeschmack [nachgestellt] | |
| fruit-laden {adj} [literary] | fruchtbeladen [geh.] | |
| gastr. fruit-rich {adj} | obstreich | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to bear fruit | Frucht tragen | |
| to bear fruit [also fig.] | Früchte tragen [auch fig.] | |
| to bear fruit [fig.] | Früchte zeitigen [geh.] | |
| FoodInd. gastr. to bottle fruit [Br.] | Obst einmachen [in Gläsern] | |
| gastr. to preserve fruit | Obst einmachen | |
| to preserve fruit | Obst konservieren | |
| to produce fruit | Früchte tragen | |
| gastr. to stew fruit | Früchte dünsten | |
| to yield fruit | Frucht tragen | |
| to yield fruit | Früchte tragen | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| bot. (fruit) flesh | Fruchtfleisch {n} | |
| bot. (fruit) kernel | Fruchtkern {m} | |
| gastr. (fruit) pie | Obstkuchen {m} | |
| gastr. (fruit) preserves {pl} | Kompott {n} [Konserven] | |
| bot. accessory fruit | Scheinfrucht {f} | |
| bot. aggregate fruit | Sammelfrucht {f} | |
| bot. angiosperm fruit | Angiospermenfrucht {f} | |
| bot. gastr. avocado fruit | Avocadofrucht {f} | |
| bad fruit | verfaultes Obst {n} | |
| bot. gastr. baobab (fruit) | Baobab {f} [ugs.] [kurz für: Baobabfrucht, Baobab-Frucht] | |
| bot. gastr. baobab fruit | Affenbrotbaumfrucht {f} | |
| bot. gastr. baobab fruit | Baobab-Frucht {f} | |
| bot. hort. berry fruit | Beerenfrucht {f} | |
| bot. berry fruit | Beerenobst {n} | |
| bot. bitter fruit | Bitterfrucht {f} | |
| FoodInd. gastr. bottled fruit [Br.] | eingemachtes Obst {n} [in Gläsern] | |
| bot. gastr. bush fruit | Strauchobst {n} | |
| candied fruit | Kanditen {pl} [insbes. österr.] | |
| gastr. candied fruit | kandierte Frucht {f} | |
| FoodInd. gastr. canned fruit | Dosenobst {n} | |
| bot. capsular fruit | Kapselfrucht {f} | |
| gastr. capsule fruit | Kapselfrüchte {pl} | |