Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: form critical

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relig. form-critical {adj}formgeschichtlich
bibl. form-critical {adj}formkritisch
Teilweise Übereinstimmung
med. exoerythrocytic formexoerythrozytäre Form {f} <EE-Form>
med. QM critical incident technique <CIT>Critical-Incident-Technik {f} <CIT> [oft Critical Incident Technique]
in due form and time {adj} {adv} [postpos.]form- und fristgerecht
not bound by any forman keine Form gebunden
special form of bond issuesbesondere Form {f} der Anleihe
contrary to prescribed formentgegen der vorgeschriebenen Form
to assume a permanent formeine dauerhafte Form annehmen
to be on good formgut in Form sein
relig. corrupt form of Christianityentstellte Form {f} des Christentums
familiar form of collectionbekannte Form {f} des Inkassos
for the sake of form {adv}der Form halber
law the form and the substanceForm und Inhalt
at the top of one's form {adv}in bester Form
material nominal form [of a surface]nominelle Form {f}
for form's sake {adv}der Form wegen
sports out of form [Br.]nicht in Form
sports to be off formnicht in Form sein
matter of formSache {f} der äußeren Form
paper-based form [records]papierhafte Form {f} [Unterlagen]
to not be on formaußer Form sein
mus. call and response formRuf-Antwort-Form {f}
form of a documentForm {f} eines Dokuments
form of loan extensionForm {f} der Kreditgewährung
the most frequent formdie verbreitetste Form {f}
math. (general form of the) equation of a circle(allgemeine Form der) Kreisgleichung {f}
math. (general form of the) equation of a straight line(allgemeine Form der) Geradengleichung {f}
ling. lit. F The Logical Form of Action Sentences [Donald Davidson]Die logische Form der Handlungssätze
mus. ternary formternäre Form {f} [bes. ABA]
back on form {adv}wieder in Form
sports out of form [Br.]außer Form
to assume a formeine Form annehmen
to be off formaußer Form sein
math. amplitude-phase formAmplituden-Phasen-Form {f}
beauty of formSchönheit {f} der Form
change in formÄnderung {f} der Form
form and contentForm {f} und Inhalt
form of addressForm {f} der Anrede
form of adviceForm {f} der Benachrichtigung
mus. rounded binary formabgerundete zweiteilige Form {f}
math. sine-cosine formSinus-Kosinus-Form {f}
sports to hit formin Form kommen
comp. math. canonical formkanonische Form {f} [Normalform]
cloth. (breast) form braForm-BH {m}
philos. concept of formForm-Begriff {m}
med. life-threatening formlebensbedrohliche Form {f}
most frequent formhäufigste Form {f}
mus. three-movement formdreisätzige Form {f}
sports upturn in formaufsteigende Form {f}
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