Dictionary English German: forest

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NOUN   a forest | forests
SYNO   to afforest | to forest | forest ... 
for. forest {adj} [attr.] [e.g. animal, area, belt, consumption, damage]
Wald- [z. B. Tier, Gebiet, Gürtel, Verbrauch, Schäden]
for. forest {adj} [attr.] [e.g. biology, district, manager, pest]
Forst- [z. B. Biologie, Revier, Wirt, Schädling]
for. to forest sth. [an area]
etw. bewalden [eine Fläche]
for. forest
Wald {m} [großer]
for. forest
Waldung {f} [Forst, Wald]
2 Words: Others
for. forest history {adj} [attr.]forstgeschichtlich
for. forest-covered {adj}bewaldet
forest-covered {adj}waldbedeckt
forest-crowned {adj}waldbekränzt [poet., selten]
ecol. for. forest-damaging {adj}waldschädigend
zool. forest-dwelling {adj}waldbewohnend
2 Words: Nouns
for. (commercial) forestForst {m}
(forest) cabinWaldhütte {f}
for. (forest) clearingKahlfläche {f}
jobs (forest) rangerForstwart {m} [an einer Forstschule ausgebildeter Forstbeamter im mittleren Dienst]
(pine) forestTann {m} [dichter.]
for. adjoining forestangrenzender Wald {m}
ecol. for. geogr. alluvial forestAuenwald {m}
ecol. for. geogr. alluvial forestAuwald {m}
ecol. for. geogr. alpine forestGebirgswald {m}
geogr. Altdorf ForestAltdorfer Wald {m}
amber forestBernsteinwald {m}
geogr. Argonne ForestArgonner Wald {m}
geogr. Arnsberg ForestArnsberger Wald {m}
for. aspen forestEspenwald {m}
geogr. Atlantic ForestAtlantischer Regenwald {m}
autumn forestHerbstwald {m}
bamboo forestBambuswald {m}
for. barrier forestLawinenschutzwald {m}
geogr. Bavarian ForestBayerwald {m}
geogr. Bavarian ForestBayerischer Wald {m}
for. beech forestBuchenwald {m}
for. beechwood forestBuchenwald {m}
for. big forestgroßer Wald {m}
for. birch forestBirkenwald {m}
geogr. Black ForestSchwarzwald {m}
geogr. Bohemian ForestBöhmerwald {m}
geogr. Bregenz ForestBregenzerwald {m}
ecol. for. broadleaf forestLaubwald {m}
bot. geol. Carboniferous forestKarbonwald {m}
for. cedar forestZedernwald {m}
for. chestnut forestKastanienwald {m}
urban city forestStadtwald {m}
sports climbing forestKletterwald {m}
ecol. for. geogr. cloud forestNebelwald {m}
ecol. for. geogr. cloud forestWolkenwald {m}
ecol. for. geogr. coastal forestKüstenwald {m}
for. commercial forestWirtschaftswald {m}
for. common forestGemeindewald {m}
for. community forestGemeindewald {m}
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