Dictionary English German: fixture

Translation 1 - 59 of 59

English German
NOUN   a fixture | fixtures
VERB  to fixture | fixtured | fixtured ... 
SYNO   fixture | habitue | regular ... 
tech. fixture
Befestigung {f}
sports fixture
Paarung {f} [kurz für: Spielpaarung]
sports fixture
Spielpaarung {f}
RealEst. fixture
Inventarstück {n}
fixture [coll.] [person]
Stammkunde {m} [ugs.] [regelmäßiger Besucher etc.]
sports fixture [Br.]
Spiel {n}
tech. fixture
Spannung {f}
sports fixture
Spielansetzung {f}
tech. fixture
Befestigungsorgan {n}
tech. fixture
Vorrichtung {f}
fixture [for keeping sth. in easy reach]
Halterung {f}
fixturefestes Inventar {n}
fixtureunbewegliches Stück {n}
fixturefest eingebauter Gegenstand {m}
fixture [Br.]feste Einrichtung {f} [regelmäßige Veranstaltung]
fixture [coll.] [person or thing that is well established in a particular place or situation]fester Bestandteil {m} [fig.]
2 Words: Nouns
electr. tech. (light) fixtureLeuchtkörper {m}
archi. assembly fixtureBauvorrichtung {f}
tech. balancing fixtureAuswuchtvorrichtung {f} [auch: Wuchtvorrichtung]
tech. balancing fixtureWuchtvorrichtung {f} [auch: Auswuchtvorrichtung]
tech. ceiling fixture [for lamps etc.]Deckenbefestigung {f} [für Lampen etc.]
engin. tech. covering fixtureAbdeckvorrichtung {f}
engin. tech. deburring fixtureAbgratvorrichtung {f}
tools dressing fixtureAbrichteinrichtung {f}
constr. fixture constructionVorrichtungsbau {m}
fixture deviceHalteeinrichtung {f}
sports fixture listSpielplan {m} [Liste der zu absolvierenden Spiele]
sports fixture schedule [football]Spielplan {m}
tech. holding fixtureAufnahme {f} [Werkstück]
sports home fixtureHeimspiel {n}
jacking fixtureAbdrückvorrichtung {f}
light fixtureBeleuchtungskörper {m}
light fixtureLampeninstallation {f}
lighting fixtureBeleuchtungsarmatur {f}
lighting fixtureBeleuchtungskörper {m}
pressing fixtureAndrückvorrichtung {f}
sports rearranged fixtureNachholspiel {n}
furn. store fixtureLadenbau {m}
sports Sunday fixture [Br.]Sonntagsspiel {n}
tools truing fixtureAbrichteinrichtung {f}
sports Wednesday fixtureMittwochspiel {n}
sports Wednesday fixture [Br.]Mittwochsspiel {n}
electr. tech. wrapping fixtureWickelvorrichtung {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to be a fixture [person] [fig.]zum Inventar gehören [hum.]
3 Words: Nouns
sports double fixture (week) [e.g. football / soccer, (ice) hockey]englische Woche {f} [z. B. Fußball, Eishockey]
electr. tech. double light fixturezweiflammige Leuchte {f}
tech. jaw turning fixture [for soft chuck jaws]Ausdrehvorrichtung {f} [für weiche Spannbacken]
lighting fixture coveringBeleuchtungsabdeckung {f}
tech. modular fixture systemVorrichtungsbaukasten {m}
overhead light (fixture)Deckenleuchte {f}
pressing-off fixtureAbdrückvorrichtung {f}
pull-off fixtureAbziehvorrichtung {f}
tech. release fixture equipmentAuslösevorrichtung {f}
electr. tech. two-light fixturezweiflammige Leuchte {f}
sports warm-up fixture [football]Vorbereitungsspiel {n}
4 Words: Nouns
sports competitive match / game / fixturePflichtspiel {n}
sports international fixture / game / matchLänderspiel {n}
5+ Words: Nouns
sports first fixture since the winter break [football]Rückrundenauftaktmatch {n} [bes. schweiz. auch: {m}]
tech. jig and fixture building blockVorrichtungsbaukasten {m}
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