Dictionary English German: five

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NOUN   five | fives
SYNO   five | five-spot | 5 | five | v ... 
five [the number five]
Fünf {f}
five [number]
Fünfer {m} [regional] [ugs.]
2 Words: Others
at five {adv} [at five o'clock]um 5 [um 5 Uhr]
five different {adj} [attr.]fünferlei [indekl.]
five hundredfünfhundert
five score [archaic] [one hundred] [also: fivescore]hundert
five thousandfünftausend
five times {adv}fünfmal
five times {adj} [attr.] [also: five-times]fünfmalig [attr.]
archi. five-aisle {adj} [attr.]fünfschiffig
five-armed {adj} [e.g. chandelier, candle holder]fünfarmig [z. B. Leuchter]
chem. five-atom {adj} [attr.] <5-atom>fünfatomig <5-atomig>
electr. five-core {adj} [attr.] <5-core>fünfadrig <5-adrig>
gastr. five-course {adj} [attr.] [dinner, meal]Fünfgang- [Menü]
tech. five-cylinder {adj} [attr.]fünfzylindrig
five-day {adj} [attr.]fünftägig <5-tägig>
five-digit {adj} [attr.]fünfstellig
phys. five-dimensional {adj}fünfdimensional
five-door {adj} <5-door> [attr.]fünftürig <5-türig>
five-figure {adj} [attr.]fünfstellig
archi. constr. RealEst. five-floor {adj} [attr.]fünfgeschossig
archi. constr. RealEst. five-floor {adj} [attr.]fünfstöckig
five-hour {adj} [attr.]fünfstündig <5-stündig>
five-lobed {adj} [e.g. leaves]fünflappig [z. B. Blätter]
five-member {adj} [attr.]fünfköpfig [z. B. Gremium]
five-minute {adj} [attr.]fünfminütig
five-month {adj} [attr.]fünfmonatig <5-monatig> [z. B. Reise, Ausstellung, Gefängnisstrafe]
five-page {adj} [attr.] [letter, essay, etc.]fünfseitig [Brief, Aufsatz etc.]
five-part {adj} [attr.]fünfteilig
five-person {adj} [attr.]fünfköpfig [Team, Gremium, Familie, Haushalt etc.]
bot. five-petalled {adj} [Br.]fünfblättrig [Blüte]
math. five-place {adj} [attr.] [e.g. decimal number]fünfstellig [z. B. Dezimalzahl]
five-pointed {adj}fünfzackig
five-sided {adj}fünfseitig [fünfeckig, fünfkantig]
automot. tech. five-speed {adj} [attr.]Fünfgang-
archi. constr. RealEst. five-storey {adj} [attr.] [Br.]fünfetagig
archi. constr. RealEst. five-storey {adj} [attr.] [Br.]fünfgeschossig
archi. constr. RealEst. five-storey {adj} [attr.] [Br.]fünfstöckig
archi. constr. RealEst. five-storied {adj} [Am.]fünfgeschossig
archi. constr. RealEst. five-storied {adj} [Am.]fünfstöckig
archi. constr. RealEst. five-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]fünfetagig
archi. constr. RealEst. five-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]fünfgeschossig
archi. constr. RealEst. five-story {adj} [attr.] [Am.]fünfstöckig
five-strong {adj} [e.g. team]fünfköpfig [z. B. Team]
five-tier {adj} [attr.]fünfstufig [System, Struktur etc.]
five-time {adj} [attr.]fünfmalig [attr.]
five-toothed {adj} <5-toothed> [having five teeth]fünfzahnig <5-zahnig> [fünf Zähne habend]
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