Dictionary English German: first pass

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econ. QM first-pass yield <FPY>First-Pass-Yield {m} <FPY> [eine Messgröße]
on the first pass {adv}beim ersten Durchgang
on the first pass {adv}beim ersten Durchlauf
Partial Matches
geogr. transp. travel pass across the AlpsPass {m} über die Alpen
film lit. F Breakheart Pass [novel: Alistair MacLean, film: Tom Gries]Nevada Pass
pass [e.g. in football, soccer]Pass {m} [Abspiel / Zuspiel bei Ballspielen]
traffic road over the passPass-Straße {f} [Rsv.]
sports long pass [association football]langer Pass {m}
pass [mountain pass]Pass {m} [Bergpass]
geogr. Khyber PassChaiber-Pass {m}
geogr. Yablunytsia PassJablunyzkyj-Pass {m}
geogr. hist. Hellfire Pass [Konyu Cutting] [Kanchanaburi Province, Thailand]Hellfire-Pass {m}
idiom on a first-come, first-served basis {adv}nach dem Windhundprinzip
first-come, first-served <FCFS>Windhundprinzip {n}
first-come, first-served <FCFS>Windhundverfahren {n}
first-come, first choiceWindhundprinzip {n}
first-come, first choiceWindhundverfahren {n}
first-in, first-servedWindhundprinzip {n}
first-in, first-servedWindhundverfahren {n}
geogr. hist. Tirad Pass National ParkTirad-Pass-Nationalpark {m}
sports first-choice eleven <first-choice 11> [football / soccer]Stammformation {f} [Stammelf im Fußball]
First Lady of the United States <FLOTUS>First Lady {f} der USA
first ladiesFirst Ladys {pl}
geogr. Donner PassDonner-Pass {m} [auch: Donnerpass]
sports first-choice eleven <first-choice 11> [football / soccer]Stammelf {f} [Fußball]
First HusbandFirst Husband {m} [Ehemann einer Präsidentin]
ethn. pol. First Nations [Can.]First Nations {pl} [Ureinwohner Kanadas]
sports no-look pass [blind pass]No-Look-Pass {m}
geogr. Red Tower Pass [also: Turnu Rosu Pass, Turnu Roşu Pass; Romanian: Pasul Turnu Roşu]Roter-Turm-Pass {m} [auch: Roterturmpass, Roter Turm-Pass, Roth-Thurm-Pass, Pass Rotenturm; früher: Trajanspforte]
geogr. Gerlos PassGerlospass / Gerlos Pass {m}
educ. ling. First certificate in English <FCE> [Br.] [Level B2 - upper intermediate]First Zertifikat {n} <FCE> [Level B2 - obere Mittelstufe]
med. first-line chemotherapyFirst-Line-Chemotherapie {f}
med. tech. first-line service <1st line service> [also: first line service]First-Line-Service {m}
med. first-line therapy <FLT>First-Line-Therapie {f} <FLT>
FireResc first responder <FR>First Responder {m}
sports first baseman [baseball] <1B>First Baseman {m} [auch: Firstbaseman] [Baseball] <1B>
to passdurchgehen
to passdurchlaufen
to passherreichen
to passweiterreichen
passArbeitsgang {m}
mil. passAusgang {m}
mil. passAusgeherlaubnis {f}
passAusweis {m}
passDurchfahrt {f}
passDurchgang {m}
passDurchlauf {m}
sports passZuspiel {n}
geogr. saddlePass {m}
geogr. Browning PassBrowning-Pass {m}
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