Dictionary English German: firma

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NOUN   die Firma | die Firmen
SYNO   Betrieb | Firma | Unternehmen
comm. econ. company
Firma {f}
econ. enterprise
Firma {f}
econ. concern
Firma {f}
econ. firm
Firma {f} <Fa.>
econ. business [company]
Firma {f}
econ. entity
Firma {f}
econ. jobs employer [organization]
Firma {f} [als Arbeitgeber]
comm. econ. hist. companie [obs.] [company]
Firma {f}
econ. business concernFirma {f}
law legal (business) nameFirma {f}
2 Words: Nouns
old-established firmalteingesessene Firma {f}
comm. econ. affiliated companyangeschlossene Firma {f}
good addressangesehene Firma {f}
respectable firmangesehene Firma {f}
foreign corporationausländische Firma {f}
econ. contractorbeauftragte Firma {f}
well-known firmbekannte Firma {f}
said companybesagte Firma {f}
ordering firmbestellende Firma {f}
econ. independent companyeigenständige Firma {f}
econ. established firmeingeführte Firma {f}
comm. econ. defunct companyerloschene Firma {f}
econ. defunct firmerloschene Firma {f}
terra firmafester Boden {m}
firm in questionfragliche Firma {f}
late firmfrühere Firma {f}
econ. sound firmgesunde Firma {f}
highly respectable firmhochangesehene Firma {f}
rival companykonkurrierende Firma {f}
fin. borrowing companykreditnehmende Firma {f}
mid-size businessmittelständische Firma {f}
mid-sized businessmittelständische Firma {f}
young companyneue Firma {f}
newly established companyneugegründete Firma {f}
troubled companynotleidende Firma {f}
above-mentioned companyobenerwähnte Firma {f}
econ. offshore companyOffshore-Firma {f}
local firmörtliche Firma {f}
firm in that townörtliche Firma {f}
reliable companyseriöse Firma {f}
econ. sound firmsolide Firma {f}
comm. econ. absorbing companyübernehmende Firma {f}
econ. acquisitive companyübernehmende Firma {f}
unknown firmunbekannte Firma {f}
shaky firmunzuverlässige Firma {f}
responsible firmvertrauenerweckende Firma {f}
reliable firmzuverlässige Firma {f}
3 Words: Others
of the said firmder besagten Firma
3 Words: Verbs
econ. to strike the company off the registerdie Firma löschen
econ. to wind up a companyeine Firma abwickeln [nach der Insolvenz auflösen]
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