Dictionary English German: fir

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NOUN   a fir | firs
SYNO   fir | fir tree | true fir
bot. for. fir {adj} [attr.]
bot. T
Tanne {f}
2 Words: Nouns
phys. far infrared <FIR>fernes Infrarot {n} <FIR>
constr. furn. fir (wood)Tanne {f} [Holz]
agr. for. hort. fir branchTannenzweig {m}
fir casket [Am.]Tannensarg {m}
fir coffinTannensarg {m}
bot. fir coneTannenzapfen {m}
fir conesTschurtschen {pl} [österr.]
fir firewoodTannenscheite {pl} [bes. südd.]
for. fir forestTannenwald {m}
EU fir green [RAL 6009]Tannengrün {n} [RAL 6009]
gastr. fir honeyTannenhonig {m}
bot. fir needleTannennadel {f}
bot. fir needlesTannennadeln {pl}
fir oilTannenöl {n}
bot. for. hort. fir speciesTannenart {f}
fir sprigs {pl}Tannengrün {n}
ecol. for. fir standsTannenbestände {pl}
bot. for. fir trunkTannenstamm {m}
fir twigs {pl}Tannenreisig {n}
fir woodTannenholz {n}
fir woodsTannenhölzer {pl}
fir wreathTannenkranz {m}
fir-bough [poet.]Tannenzweig {m}
3 Words: Nouns
constr. furn. Douglas fir wood [type of wood]Douglasienholz {n}
fir cone oilTannenzapfenöl {n}
fir needle oilTannennadelöl {n}
tech. fir tree connectionTannenbaum-Verbindung {f}
fir wood casket [Am.]Tannenholzsarg {m}
fir wood coffinTannenholzsarg {m}
aviat. flight information region <FIR>Fluginformationsgebiet {n}
little fir-treeTännlein {n} [literarisch]
4 Words: Nouns
electr. finite impulse response <FIR> filterFilter {m} mit endlicher Impulsantwort [fachspr. meist {n}]
electr. finite impulse response filter <FIR filter>FIR-Filter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
for. fir-needle covered groundTannennadelboden {m}
5+ Words: Nouns
bot. Dinaric calcareous block fir forestDinarischer Karst-Blockhalden-Tannenwald {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Fir Tree [Hans Christian Andersen]Der Tannenbaum
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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