| English | German | |
| – |
| -figure {adj} | 88 -stellig | |
Verbs |
| to figure | 1527 kapieren [ugs.] | |
| art to figure [represent as a figure] | 1163 abbilden | |
| mus. to figure | 942 beziffern [Bass] | |
| to figure (sth.) [Am.] [coll.] [assume] | 645 (etw.) annehmen [vermuten] | |
| to figure [Am.] [coll.] [believe or conclude] | 297 denken | |
| to figure [that ... ] [Am.] [coll.] [reckon, think] | 296 schätzen [, dass ... ] [ugs.] [annehmen, vermuten] | |
| to figure sth. [Am.] [calculate] | 219 etw. berechnen [schätzen] | |
| to figure [reckon] | 180 vermuten | |
| to figure sth. [Am.] [calculate] | 92 etw. kalkulieren | |
| to figure sth. [be a symbol of] | 87 etw. versinnbildlichen | |
| to figure sb./sth. [represent pictorally] | 82 jdn./etw. darstellen [bildlich] | |
| to figure [pattern] | 28 mustern [mit einem Muster versehen] | |
| to figure [embellish] | 25 verzieren [Seide, Samt; Melodie] | |
| to figure [play a role in] | eine Rolle spielen [von Bedeutung sein] | |
| to figure [use figuratively] | figürlich brauchen | |
| to figure [use figuratively] | figürlich verwenden | |
| to figure sb./sth. [Am.] [coll.] [picture mentally] | sichDat. jdn./etw. vorstellen | |
| to figure sth. [symbolically] | etw. symbolisch darstellen | |
Nouns |
| math. figure | 3257 Zahl {f} | |
| fin. figure | 811 Betrag {m} | |
| film lit. figure [personality, character in a novel etc.] | 811 Gestalt {f} [Person, Persönlichkeit, Figur in einem Roman etc.] | |
| math. figure | 397 Wert {m} | |
| figure <fig.> | 397 Figur {f} <Fig.> | |
| figure [representation] | 232 Darstellung {f} [bildlich] | |
| figure <fig.> [illustration, representation] | 145 Abbildung {f} <Abb.> | |
| figure [picture, illustration] | 120 Bild {n} [Abbildung, Illustration] | |
| math. figure <fig.> | 105 Ziffer {f} <Zi.> | |
| figure [diagram] | 57 Diagramm {n} [in Publikation] | |
| figure [written symbol] | 56 Zeichen {n} [grafische Einheit, Symbol] | |
| art figure [statue] | 55 Statue {f} | |
| figure [personality] | 51 Persönlichkeit {f} | |
| mus. figure | 48 Phrase {f} | |
| figure [build] | 44 Statur {f} | |
| lit. figure [character] | 44 Person {f} | |
| math. figure | 42 Gebilde {n} | |
| figure [form, shape] | 28 Form {f} [Gestalt] | |
| figure [human form, appearance] | 18 Erscheinung {f} [Gestalt] | |
| figure | Maxerl {n} [österr.] [ugs.] [Figur] | |
| figure [repetitive pattern] | Muster {n} [aus der Kombination von einzelnen Motiven bestehende (regelmäßige), sich wiederholende, flächige Verzierung, Zeichnung] | |
| lit. figure [stylistic] | Stilfigur {f} | |
2 Words: Others |
| archaeo. art black-figure {adj} [attr.] [ancient vase etc. paintings] | schwarzfigurig [antike Vasenmalerei etc.] | |
| clean figure | wohlgeformt | |
| eight-figure {adj} [attr.] | achtstellig | |
| figure-accentuating {adj} | figurbetonend | |
| figure-accentuating {adj} | figurbetont | |
| figure-conscious {adj} | figurbewusst | |
| cloth. figure-enhancing {adj} | figurbetonend | |
| cloth. figure-flattering {adj} | figurumschmeichelnd | |
| figure-hugging {adj} | figurbetont | |