Dictionary English German: fette

Translation 1 - 34 of 34

ADJ  fett | fetter | am fettesten
fetter | fette | fettes
fettester | fetteste | fettestes
NOUN1   das Fett | - [Substanz]/die Fette [Sorten]
NOUN2   der Fette/ein Fetter | die Fetten
NOUN3   die Fette | die Fetten
Fette {pl}
[fat female person]Fette {f} [fette weibliche Person]
fatty [female] [coll.] [pej.]Fette {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [dicke weibliche Person]
2 Words: Nouns
print bold typefette Buchstaben {pl}
print bold typefette Druckbuchstaben {pl}
med. bad coldfette Erkältung {f} [ugs.]
econ. fat profitsfette Gewinne {pl}
idiom fat yearsfette Jahre {pl}
econ. boom yearsfette Jahre {pl} [ugs.]
print bold facefette Lettern {pl}
mus. chunky riffs [coll.]fette Riffs {pl} [ugs.]
print blackfacefette Schrift {f}
print bold charactersfette Schrift {f}
print bold facefette Schrift {f}
print clarendon typefette Schrift {f}
idiom times of plentyfette Zeiten {pl} [ugs.]
chem. saturated fatsgesättigte Fette {pl}
biochem. saturated fats [short for: saturated fatty acids]gesättigte Fette {pl} [kurz für: gesättigte Fettsäuren]
FoodInd. gastr. vegetable fatspflanzliche Fette {pl}
FoodInd. animal fatstierische Fette {pl}
3 Words: Verbs
mil. to capture a lot of booty [also fig.]fette Beute machen [auch fig.]
3 Words: Nouns
biochem. chemistry of fatsChemie {f} der Fette
idiom seven years of plentysieben fette Jahre {pl}
big fat cow [coll.] [very fat woman] [derog.]ziemlich fette Kuh {f} [vulg.] [ugs.] [sehr dicke Frau]
5+ Words: Others
Are you completely nuts? [coll.]Bist du (denn) des Wahnsinns fette Beute? [ugs.] [hum.] [Redewendung]
Have you taken leave of your senses? [dated] [idiom]Bist du des Teufels fette Beute? [veraltend] [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Verbs
to be completely insane [person]des Wahnsinns fette Beute sein [ugs.] [hum.] [Redewendung]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
art F The Fat Kitchen [Pieter Bruegel the Elder]Die Fette Küche
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
mycol. T
zool. T
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