Dictionary English German: festes

Translation 1 - 32 of 32

ADJ  fest | fester | am festesten
fester | feste | festes
festester | festeste | festestes
bilbo [iron bar with sliding shackles](festes) Fußeisen {n} [Stange mit Fußfesseln]
gastr. fixed menu(festes) Menü {n}
binding offerfestes Angebot {n}
firm offerfestes Angebot {n}
firm quotefestes Angebot {n}
positive offerfestes Angebot {n}
traffic hard shoulder [Br.]festes Bankett {n}
firm datefestes Datum {n}
fixed exchange rate systemfestes Devisenumrechnungssystem {n}
fixed incomefestes Einkommen {n}
stable incomefestes Einkommen {n}
fixed chargefestes Entgelt {n}
tech. fixed flangefestes Felgenhorn {n}
fixed salaryfestes Gehalt {n}
regular salaryfestes Gehalt {n}
geol. hard rockfestes Gestein {n} [Hartgestein]
fixturefestes Inventar {n}
fixturesfestes Inventar {n}
annuityfestes Jahreseinkommen {n}
fixed quotationfestes Kursangebot {n}
geol. dry landfestes Land {n}
dry bulkfestes Massengut {n}
fixed quota systemfestes Quotensystem {n}
archi. hist. fortified castlefestes Schloss {n} [befestigtes Schloss] [Gebäude]
cloth. sturdy shoes {pl}festes Schuhwerk {n}
textil. substantial clothfestes Tuch {n}
firm promisefestes Versprechen {n}
cast-iron promise [fig.]festes Versprechen {n}
3 Words: Nouns
basically fixed chargegrundsätzlich festes Entgelt {n}
4 Words: Others
as part of the festivalals Teil des Festes
4 Words: Nouns
cosmet. pancake make-upfestes Puder-Make-up {n}
5+ Words: Nouns
jobs temp-to-permÜbergang {m} in ein festes Arbeitsverhältnis
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