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 | firm {adj} | 4601 fest [sicher, entschlossen, kräftig] |  |
 | solid {adj} | 2776 fest [hart, stabil] |  |
 | firmly {adv} | 2023 fest [kräftig] |  |
 | concrete {adj} [solid] | 1319 fest [hart, stabil] |  |
 | tight {adj} [not loose] | 1080 fest [nicht locker] |  |
 | tightly {adv} | 760 fest [kräftig] |  |
 | fixed {adj} | 740 fest [ständig: Kosten, Tarif, Einkommen] |  |
 | sturdy {adj} | 469 fest [strapazierfähig] |  |
 | determined {adj} | 461 fest [entschlossen] |  |
 | fast {adj} {adv} [firmly fixed] | 334 fest [montiert, verbunden etc.] |  |
 | soundly {adv} [based] | 254 fest [gegründet, verankert] |  |
 | stiff {adj} | 186 fest [hart, steif] |  |
 | comm. fin. stable {adj} | 163 fest [stabil] |  |
 | sound {adj} [sleep] | 120 fest [Schlaf] |  |
 | tough {adj} | 104 fest [stabil] |  |
 | adamant {adj} | 95 fest [eisern, hartnäckig] |  |
 | steady {adj} | 90 fest [sicher, entschlossen, ständig] |  |
 | naut. Avast! | 81 Fest! |  |
 | -proof {adj} {suffix} | 76 -fest |  |
 | proof {adj} [resistant] | 63 fest [sicher, beständig] |  |
 | solidly {adv} | 58 fest |  |
 | hard {adj} {adv} | 54 fest [kräftig] |  |
 | tenacious {adj} [grip] | 45 fest |  |
 | consistent {adj} | 42 fest [beständig, konsequent] |  |
 | stout {adj} | 33 fest |  |
 | consolidated {adj} [mass] | 30 fest [Masse] |  |
 | staunch {adj} | 28 fest [fig.] |  |
 | sturdy {adj} | 27 fest [stabil] |  |
 | gastr. firm {adj} [tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, etc.] | 27 fest [Tomaten, Gurken, Äpfel usw.] |  |
 | steadfast {adj} | 26 fest |  |
 | festive {adj} | 26 Fest- |  |
 | constant {adj} | 25 fest |  |
 | confirmed {adj} | 23 fest |  |
 | steadfastly {adv} | 20 fest |  |
 | fixated {adj} | 19 fest |  |
 | substantial {adj} | 19 fest |  |
 | inflexible {adj} | 16 fest |  |
 | stanch {adj} [Am.] | 13 fest [fig.] |  |
 | immovable {adj} | 12 fest |  |
 | tech. stationary {adj} [e.g. platform] | 10 fest [ortsfest] |  |
 | strong {adj} [ties, foundation] | 10 fest [stark, stabil] |  |
 | celebratory {adj} | 9 Fest- |  |
 | substantive {adj} [possessing substance] | 7 fest |  |
 | non-varying {adj} | fest [unveränderlich] |  |
Nouns |
 | celebration [event] | 1576 Fest {n} [Veranstaltung] |  |
 | relig. feast | 672 Fest {n} |  |
 | festival | 255 Fest {n} |  |
 | party | 114 Fest {n} |  |
 | gala | 70 Fest {n} |  |
 | fest [festival] | 44 Festival {n} |  |