Dictionary English German: favorable

Translation 1 - 62 of 62

English German
ADJ   favorable | more favorable | most favorable
SYNO   favorable | favourable | friendly ... 
favorable {adj} [Am.]
favorable {adj} [Am.]
favorable {adj} [Am.]
favorable {adj} [Am.]
favorable {adj} [Am.]
gefällig <gefl.>
favorable {adj} [to / towards] [Am.]
günstig [für]
favorable {adj} [Am.] [outcome]
glücklich [Ausgang]
2 Words: Others
highly favorable {adj} [Am.]ungemein günstig [Bedingungen, Vorzeichen etc.]
less favorable {adj} [Am.]ungünstiger
more favorable {adj} [Am.]günstiger
most favorable {adj} [Am.]günstigste
particularly favorable {adj} [Am.]besonders günstig
2 Words: Nouns
favorable auspices [Am.]glückverheißende Vorbedeutungen {pl}
favorable balance [Am.]Aktivbilanz {f}
favorable balance [Am.]günstige Bilanz {f}
favorable characteristics [Am.]günstige Eigenschaften {pl}
favorable climate [Am.]günstiges Klima {n}
favorable conditions [Am.]fördernde Bedingungen {pl}
favorable location [Am.]Gunstlage {f}
favorable opinion [Am.]Befürwortung {f}
favorable opportunity [Am.]günstige Gelegenheit {f}
favorable position [Am.]günstige Position {f}
favorable price [Am.]günstiger Kurs {m}
favorable price [Am.]günstiger Preis {m}
favorable reception [Am.]gefälliger Empfang {m}
favorable reception [Am.]wohlwollende Aufnahme {f}
favorable reply [Am.]günstige Antwort {f}
favorable result [Am.]günstiges Ergebnis {n}
favorable situation [Am.]günstige Lage {f}
favorable terms [Am.]günstige Bedingungen {pl}
favorable trend [Am.]günstige Entwicklung {f}
3 Words: Others
favorable to women {adj} [Am.]frauenfreundlich
under favorable auspices {adv} [Am.]unter günstigen Auspizien [geh.]
under favorable conditions {adv} [Am.]unter günstigen Bedingungen
3 Words: Nouns
law "Most Favorable" Principle [Am.]Grundsatz {m} der Meistbegünstigung
favorable credit terms [Am.]günstige Zinsbedingungen {pl}
favorable leasing rate [Am.]günstige Miete {f}
favorable local characteristics [Am.]günstige Standorteigenschaften {pl}
fin. favorable tax treatment [Am.]Steuervergünstigung {f}
favorable trade balance [Am.]aktive Handelsbilanz {f}
more favorable conditions [Am.]günstigere Bedingungen {pl}
more favorable conditions [Am.]günstigere Konditionen {pl}
more favorable terms [Am.]günstigere Bedingungen {pl}
econ. most favorable billing [Am.]Bestabrechnung {f}
most favorable price [Am.]günstigster Kurs {m}
most favorable terms [Am.]günstigste Bedingungen {pl}
4 Words: Others
at a favorable moment {adv} [Am.]in einem günstigen Moment
subject to favorable references [Am.]gute Referenzen vorausgesetzt
subject to favorable references {adj} [Am.]von positiven Referenzen abhängig
fin. pol. with favorable interest rates {adj} [Am.] [postpos.]zinsbegünstigt
4 Words: Nouns
favorable balance of trade [Am.]aktive Handelsbilanz {f}
favorable conditions of payment [Am.]günstige Zahlungsbedingungen {pl}
5+ Words: Others
comm. at a more favorable price {adv} [Am.]zu einem günstigeren Preis
if your prices are favorable [Am.]wenn Ihre Preise günstig sind
in case of a favorable offer {adv} [Am.]im Falle eines günstigen Angebots / Angebotes
stat. in the most favorable third {adj} [Am.]im günstigsten Drittel
Make us a favorable offer! [Am.]Machen Sie uns ein günstiges Angebot!
Thanks to its favorable position ... [Am.]Dank seiner günstigen Lage ...
5+ Words: Verbs
to bring sth. to a favorable conclusion [Am.]etw. zu einem guten Ende führen
to have a favorable effect on sth. [Am.]sich günstig auf etw. auswirken
to have a favorable effect on sth. [Am.]sich vorteilhaft auf etw. auswirken
to obtain a more favorable result [Am.]ein günstigeres Ergebnis erzielen
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