Dictionary English German: fastness

Translation 1 - 22 of 22

English German
NOUN   a fastness | fastnesses
SYNO   fastness | stronghold | speed ... 
Festigkeit {f}
fastness [stronghold]
Feste {f}
textil. fastness [resistance of color to fading, running]
Echtheit {f} [Unempfindlichkeit einer Farbe]
2 Words
color fastness [Am.]Farbbeständigkeit {f}
color fastness [Am.]Farbechtheit {f}
colour fastness [Br.]Farbbeständigkeit {f}
colour fastness [Br.]Farbechtheit {f}
chem. light fastnessLichtechtheit {f}
mountain fastnessBergfeste {f}
mountain fastnessBergfestung {f}
3 Words
color fastness test [Am.]Farbechtheitsprüfung {f}
colour fastness test [Br.]Farbechtheitsprüfung {f}
fastness to ironingBügelechtheit {f}
textil. fastness to lightLichtechtheit {f}
fastness to perspirationSchweißechtheit {f}
textil. fastness to rubbingReibechtheit {f}
fastness to washing [of colours]Waschechtheit {f}
fastness to waterWasserechtheit {f} [Färben]
4 Words
textil. fastness to dry-cleaningChemischreinigungsechtheit {f}
fastness to salt waterSalzwasserechtheit {f}
fastness to water dropsWassertropfenechtheit {f}
5+ Words
fastness to swimming pool waterSchwimmbadwasserechtheit {f}
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