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 | fashion {adj} [attr.] [e.g. capital, designer, fair, trend] | 62 Mode- [z. B. Metropole, Schöpfer, Messe, Trend] |  |
Verbs |
 | to fashion | 370 gestalten |  |
 | art to fashion | 135 fertigen |  |
 | to fashion | 131 formen |  |
Nouns |
 | fashion | 2017 Mode {f} |  |
 | fashion [manner, method] | 308 Weise {f} |  |
 | fashion [method] | 215 Art {f} [Methode] |  |
 | fashion [way, style] | 168 Manier {f} |  |
 | fashion [in his fashion] | 73 Gewohnheit {f} [auf seine Art] |  |
 | cloth. fashion [of a garment] | 36 Schnitt {m} [Kleidungsstück] |  |
 | fashion [custom] | 32 Sitte {f} [einer Zeit] |  |
 | sociol. fashion [custom] | 30 Brauch {m} |  |
 | fashion [style, way] | 22 Fasson {f} [geh.] |  |
 | cloth. fashion | 18 Kleidermode {f} |  |
 | cloth. fashion | 16 Fashion {f} [Mode] |  |
 | fashion [custom of an individual] | 7 Gewohnheit {f} |  |
 | ind. fashion | Modebranche {f} |  |
 | fashion [manner, method] | Art und Weise |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | cloth. fashion-conscious {adj} | modebewusst |  |
 | cloth. fashion-forward {adj} | trendbewusst [modebewusst] |  |
 | high fashion {adj} | topmodisch |  |
 | in fashion {adj} [postpos.] | aktuell [Mode etc.] |  |
 | tailor-fashion {adj} {adv} [cross-legged] | im Schneidersitz |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to fashion sth. into sth. [mould] | etw. zu etw. gestalten [bearbeiten, formen] |  |
 | to help fashion sth. | etw. mitgestalten |  |
 | to re-fashion | umgestalten |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | cloth. autumn fashion | Herbstmode {f} |  |
 | cloth. beach fashion | Bademode {f} |  |
 | cloth. beach fashion | Strandmode {f} |  |
 | cloth. beach fashion {sg} | Bademoden {pl} |  |
 | cloth. bridal fashion | Brautmode {f} |  |
 | cloth. business fashion | Businessmode {f} |  |
 | cloth. children's fashion | Kindermode {f} |  |
 | cloth. classic fashion | klassische Mode {f} |  |
 | cloth. conscious fashion [ethical fashion] | ethische Mode {f} [sozial verträglich, umweltverträglich, vegan etc.] |  |
 | cloth. crochet fashion | Häkelmode {f} |  |
 | cloth. dog fashion | Hundemode {f} |  |
 | cloth. ecol. eco fashion | Öko-Mode {f} [auch fig.] |  |
 | cloth. hist. empire fashion | Empiremode {f} |  |
 | cloth. everyday fashion | Alltagsmode {f} |  |
 | cloth. fall fashion [Am.] | Herbstmode {f} |  |
 | comm. fashion accessories | Galanteriewaren {pl} [veraltet] |  |
 | fashion accessory | Modeaccessoire {n} |  |
 | fashion accoutrement | Modeanhängsel {n} |  |
 | cloth. jobs fashion adviser | Modeberater {m} |  |
 | ling. fashion anglicism | Modeanglizismus {m} [auch: Mode-Anglizismus] |  |
 | cloth. comm. fashion articles | Modeartikel {pl} |  |
 | cloth. journ. fashion bible [coll.] [fashion magazine] | Fashionbibel {f} [ugs.] [Modemagazin] |  |
 | cloth. comm. fashion boutique | Modeboutique {f} |  |
 | cloth. comm. fashion boutique | Modehaus {n} |  |