Dictionary English German: falcon

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NOUN   a falcon | falcons
orn. T
Falke {m}
2 Words: Others
falcon-headed {adj}falkenköpfig
2 Words: Nouns
MedTech. pharm. acad. Falcon® tube [conical centrifugation tube]konisches Zentrifugenröhrchen {n}
myth. relig. falcon godFalkengott {m}
falcon headFalkenkopf {m}
orn. VetMed. falcon hospitalFalkenklinik {f}
orn. falcon toothFalkenzahn {m}
orn. falcon's capFalkenkappe {f}
archaeo. art Horus falconHorusfalke {m}
4 Words: Nouns
orn. female red-footed falconRotfußfalkenweibchen {n} [auch: Rotfußfalken-Weibchen]
orn. male red-footed falconRotfußfalkenmännchen {n} [auch: Rotfußfalken-Männchen]
5+ Words: Nouns
orn. pair of red-footed falcon / falconsRotfußfalkenpärchen {n} [auch: Rotfußfalken-Pärchen]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F A Falcon Flies [Br.] / Flight of the Falcon [Am.] [Wilbur Smith]Der steinerne Vogel
RadioTV F Falcon CrestFalcon Crest
lit. F The Flight of the Falcon [Daphne du Maurier]Das Geheimnis des Falken
lit. F The Maltese Falcon [Dashiell Hammett]Der Malteser Falke
film F The Maltese Falcon [John Huston]Die Spur des Falken / Der Malteser Falke
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
Lanner {m}
orn. T
zool. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
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