Dictionary English German: fairy

Translation 1 - 50 of 233  >>

English German
NOUN   a fairy | fairies
SYNO   faerie | faery | fairy | fay ... 
myth. fairy
Fee {f}
Zauberin {f}
fairy [sl.] [pej.] [male homosexual]
Schwuchtel {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
fairy [coll.] [male homosexual] [pej.]
Tunte {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
myth. fairy
Märchenfee {f}
fairy [coll.] [pej.]
Homo {m} [ugs.]
2 Words: Others
airy-fairy {adj} [Br.] [coll.]larifari [ugs.]
airy-fairy {adj} [Br.] [coll.]versponnen
airy-fairy {adj} [esp. Br.] [coll.]abgehoben [weltfremd]
2 Words: Nouns
beneficent fairygütige Fee {f}
econ. neol. quote confidence fairy [Paul Krugman]Vertrauensfee {f} [auch Fee des Vertrauens]
fairy beingMärchenwesen {n}
lit. myth. fairy bloodFeenblut {n}
gastr. fairy bread [Aus.] [NZ]Märchenbrot {n}
gastr. fairy bread [Aus.] [NZ] [bread and butter with 100's and 1000's on top]Feenbrot / Feen-Brot {n} [Brotscheiben mit Butter bestrichen und Zuckerperlchen obenauf]
gastr. fairy butterFeenbutter {f}
gastr. fairy cake [Br.]Törtchen {n}
games fairy chessFeenschach {n}
games fairy chessMärchenschach {n}
fairy circleFeenkreis {m}
cloth. fairy costumeFeenkostüm {n}
fairy danceElfenreigen {m}
myth. fairy dragonMärchendrache {m}
esot. myth. lit. fairy dustFeenschimmer {m}
gastr. fairy floss [Aus.]Zuckerwatte {f}
fairy godmothergute Fee {f}
myth. fairy hallFeensaal {m}
fairy hillFeenhügel {m}
fairy land [archaic]Märchenland {n}
fairy light [poetic and literary]himmlischer Lichtschimmer {m}
fairy lights [decoration]bunte Lichter {pl}
fairy lights {pl}Lichterkette {f} [am Weihnachtsbaum]
geogr. Fairy Meadows {pl} [Nanga Parbat]Märchenwiese {f}
fairy moundFeenhügel {m}
fairy queenFeenkönigin {f}
myth. fairy realmFeenreich {n}
mycol. fairy ringFeenring {m} [ugs.] [Hexenring]
bot. fairy ringHexenring {m}
lit. fairy songZauberlied {n}
fairy storyAmmenmärchen {n} [pej.]
lit. fairy storyMärchengeschichte {f}
lit. fairy story [also: untrue account]Märchen {n} [auch ugs.: Lügengeschichte]
fairy taleAmmenmärchen {n} [pej.]
fairy taleFabel {f}
lit. fairy taleMärlein {n} [veraltet]
lit. fairy tale [also: incredible, fabricated story]Märchen {n} [auch ugs.: unglaubwürdige, erfundene Geschichte]
lit. fairy tale [magic tale]Zaubermärchen {n}
myth. fairy woodFeenwald {m}
fairy worldFeenwelt {f}
myth. fairy worldMärchenwelt {f}
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