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| eye {adj} [attr.] [e.g. colour, socket, clinic, witness] | 35 Augen- [z. B. Farbe, Höhle, Klinik, Zeuge] | |
Verbs |
| to eye sb./sth. | 546 jdn./etw. betrachten [mustern] | |
| to eye sb./sth. | 242 jdn./etw. beäugen | |
| to eye sb./sth. | 11 jdn./etw. beaugapfeln [hum.] | |
| to eye sb./sth. | jdn./etw. kritisch anschauen [musternd, begutachtend] | |
| to eye sb./sth. | nach jdm./etw. schielen | |
| to eye sb./sth. | jdn./etw. im Auge haben | |
| to eye sb./sth. | jdn./etw. im Visier haben | |
| to eye sb./sth. | jdn./etw. ins Auge fassen [Redewendung] | |
| to eye sb./sth. | seinen Blick auf jdn./etw. richten | |
| to eye sth. [rare] [to provide something, e.g. a needle, with an eye] | etw.Akk. öhren [selten] [Nadel] | |
Nouns |
| anat. zool. eye [Oculus] | 5834 Auge {n} | |
| meteo. eye [of a storm] | 36 Auge {n} | |
| eye [of a needle] | 23 Nadelöhr {n} | |
| eye [metal loop] | 22 Öse {f} | |
| eye [act of looking] | 19 Blick {m} | |
| eye [of a needle or tool] | 19 Öhr {n} | |
| eye | 8 Knospe {f} | |
| anat. zool. eye | 5 Oculus {m} | |
| gastr. eye [cheese, esp. Emmental] | 5 Loch {n} [Käse, bes. Emmentaler] | |
| eye [loop of a rope] | Auge {n} [Seilschlinge z. B. beim Schlagen eines Knotens] | |
| hunting eye [of game animal] | Licht {n} [Auge des Haarwildes] | |
| cosmet. eyeliner | Eye-Liner {m} [Rsv.] | |
| redpill [coll.] [also: red-pill, red pill] [fact, argument, news etc. as eye-opener figuratively] [term of the political right] | Eye-Opener {m} [ugs.] [wörtlich: Augenöffner] [Tatsache, Argument, das Betrachtungsweisen ändern kann] | |
2 Words: Others |
| Bull's eye! | Volltreffer! | |
| Bull's-eye! [fig.] | Genau getroffen! | |
| eye-catching {adj} | auffallend | |
| eye-catching {adj} | auffällig | |
| eye-catching {adj} | ins Auge fallend | |
| eye-catching {adj} | ins Auge springend | |
| eye-catching {adj} [design etc.] | plakativ | |
| eye-catching {adj} [e.g. logo] | prägnant [ins Auge springend, einprägsam] | |
| mineral. eye-clean {adj} [without visible inclusions] | augenrein [ohne sichtbare Einschlüsse] | |
| eye-friendly {adj} | augenfreundlich | |
| eye-friendly {adj} | augenschonend | |
| med. eye-healthy {adj} | augengesund | |
| eye-minded {adj} | visuell [vorwiegend mit Gesichtssinn begabt] | |
| eye-opening {adj} | aufschlussreich | |
| eye-opening {adj} | erhellend | |
| eye-popping {adj} | spektakulär | |
| eye-popping {adj} [coll.] | staunenerregend | |
| med. optics eye-related {adj} | augenbedingt | |
| eye-rolling {adj} {pres-p} | augenrollend | |
| eye-rollingly {adv} | die Augen verdrehend | |
| eye-shaped {adj} | augenförmig | |
| eye-watering {adj} [extremely high] [of figures, amounts etc.] | horrend [sehr hoch] [Zahlen, Kosten, Beträge, etc.] | |
| idiom My eye! [coll.] [dated] | Von wegen! [ugs.] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to avoid sb.'s eye | jds. Blick meiden | |
| to black sb.'s eye | jds. Auge blau schlagen | |
| to blacken sb.'s eye | jdm. ein blaues Auge schlagen | |