Dictionary English German: exactly

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English German
SYNO   exactly | just | precisely ... 
exactly {adv}
exactly {adv}
eben [gerade, genau]
exactly {adv}
exactly {adv}
haargenau [ugs.]
exactly {adv}
just [geh.] [auch hum.] [genau]
exactly {adv}
gerade [genau]
exactly {adv}
pingelig [ugs.]
exactly {adv}akkurat [regional] [genau]
Exactly!Ganz genau!
2 Words: Others
exactly fitting {adj}exakt passend
exactly fitting {adj}genau passend
exactly like {adv}genauso wie
exactly this {pron}ebendas
fitting exactly {adv}passgenau
not exactly {adv}nicht direkt
not exactly {adv}nicht gerade
not exactly {adv}nicht unbedingt [schön, gut etc.]
Not exactly.Nicht wirklich.
3 Words: Others
(exactly) the same {adj}ebensolche
(exactly) the same {adj}ebensolcher
(exactly) the same {adj}ebensolches
at exactly ten {adv}genau um 10
exactly the opposite {adv}genau entgegengesetzt
exactly the oppositegenau das Gegenteil
exactly the oppositegerade das Gegenteil
idiom My sentiments exactly.Ganz deiner Meinung!
My thoughts exactly!Genau das dachte ich auch!
not exactly cheap {adj}nicht gerade billig
not exactly edifying {adj} [iron.]wenig erbaulich [iron.]
not exactly edifying {adj} [iron.]wenig erquicklich [iron.]
not exactly starving {adj} [ironic]nicht gerade unterernährt [ironisch] [korpulent, wohlbeleibt]
not exactly talkative {adj} [iron.]nicht gerade gesprächig [iron.]
That's exactly right.Das stimmt haargenau. [ugs.]
4 Words: Others
but we can't exactly ...aber wir können ja schlecht ... [ugs.]
exactly 10 years sincegenau 10 Jahre nachdem
acc. fin. exactly to the day {adv}taggenau
Exactly what I thought!Genau meine Meinung!
He's not exactly undersexed.Er ist der reinste Lustmolch. [ugs.] [oft hum.]
It is exactly this ...Eben diese / dieser / dieses ... ist es ...
It is exactly those ...Gerade die, ...
It's not exactly brilliant.Das ist nicht gerade das Gelbe vom Ei. [ugs.]
just / exactly the same {adv}genauso
4 Words: Verbs
to be not exactly bright [not particularly intelligent](geistig) ein bisschen unterbelichtet sein [ugs.] [pej.] [nicht sonderlich intelligent]
to know (exactly) what's whatwissen, wo der Barthel den Most holt [ugs.] [hum.] [Redewendung]
to know (exactly) what's whatwissen, wo der Frosch die Locken hat [ugs.] [hum.] [Redewendung]
to know (exactly) what's whatwissen, wo der Hammer hängt [ugs.] [hum.] [Redewendung]
4 Words: Nouns
exactly the same conditionsexakt die gleichen Bedingungen {pl}
5+ Words: Others
at exactly the appointed time {adv}genau zur festgesetzten Zeit
at exactly the right place {adv}genau am richtigen Ort
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