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| bot. zool. extinct {adj} <EX> | 1959 ausgestorben [Artenbestand] | |
| Chug! [to empty the glass in one go] | 490 Ex! [das Glas mit einem Schluck leeren] | |
| ex- | 328 ehemalig | |
| ex {prep} | 77 ohne [+Akk.] | |
| ex {prep} | 34 ab | |
| ex {prep} | 15 aus | |
| dead {adj} | ex [ugs.] [salopp] [tot, gestorben] | |
| ex- {prefix} [e.g. to export, exclamatory] | ex- [z. B. exportieren, exklamatorisch] | |
| ex- {prefix} [former] [e.g. husband, mayor] | Ex- [z. B. Mann, Bürgermeister] | |
| theatre extempore {adv} | ex tempore | |
| former {adj} [attr.] [e.g. chancellor] | Ex- [z. B. Ex-Kanzler] | |
| over {adj} | ex [ugs.] [salopp] [aus, vorbei] | |
| throwaway {adj} | ex-und-hopp [ugs.] | |
Verbs |
| to ex sth. [sl.] [beverage] | 7 etw. exen [ugs.] [selten] [etw. in einem Zug leer trinken, auf ex trinken] | |
| to chug sth. [Am.] [coll.] [drink in one go] | etw.Akk. (auf) ex trinken [ugs.] | |
Nouns |
| example <ex> | 1823 Beispiel {n} <Bsp., Beisp.> | |
| ex [coll.] [ex-girlfriend or ex-wife] | 85 Ehemalige {f} [ugs.] [Ex-Ehefrau oder Ex-Freundin] | |
| ex [coll.] [ex-boyfriend or ex-husband] | 31 Ehemaliger {m} [ugs.] [Ex-Freund oder Ex-Ehemann] | |
| ex [coll.] | 20 Ex {m} [ugs.] | |
| ex [coll.] [former wife, girlfriend, or other partner in a relationship] | 19 Verflossene {f} [ugs.] [frühere Ehefrau, Freundin, Lebensgefährtin] | |
| educ. quiz [Am.] | 16 Ex {n} [kurz für: Extemporale] | |
| ex [coll.] [former husband, boyfriend, or other partner in a relationship] | 10 Verflossener {m} [ugs.] [früherer Ehemann, Freund, Lebensgefährte] | |
| ex [coll.] [female] | Ex {f} [ugs.] | |
| bibl. Exodus <Ex., Exod.> | Exodus {m} <Ex, Ex.> [2 Mos., 2. (Buch) Mose] | |
| Tippex® [British trademark] [also: Tipp-Ex®] | Tipp-Ex® {n} | |
| whiteout [also: white-out] [esp. Br.] [white correction fluid] | Tipp-Ex® {n} | |
2 Words: Others |
| ex ante {adv} | vorab | |
| ex cathedra {adv} | vom Lehrstuhl Petri | |
| ex cathedra {adv} | von maßgeblicher Seite | |
| relig. ex cathedra {adv} [also fig.] | ex cathedra [auch fig.] | |
| ex cathedra {adj} {adv} [legal latin] | vom Stuhl Petri aus | |
| ex cathedra {adj} {adv} [with authority] | maßgebend | |
| ex coupon | ohne Kupon | |
| fin. stocks ex dividend | abzüglich Dividende | |
| fin. stocks ex dividend {adv} | nach Zahlung der Dividende | |
| ex factory {adj} | werkseitig | |
| comm. ex factory {adv} | ab Fabrik | |
| comm. ex factory {adv} | ab Werk | |
| law ex gratia | ohne Anerkennung einer Rechtspflicht | |
| fin. ex interest | ohne Zinsschein | |
| ex issue | ex Emission | |
| comm. ex mill {adv} | ab Mühle | |
| spec. ex negativo {adv} | ex negativo | |
| stocks ex new | ohne Bezugsrecht | |
| law ex nunc {adv} | ex nunc | |
| law ex officio {adv} <e.o.> | ex officio <e.o.> | |
| law ex officio {adv} <e.o.> | kraft Amtes | |
| ex officio {adv} <e.o.> | qua Amt | |
| ex officio {adv} <e.o.> | kraft seines Amtes | |
| law ex officio {adv} <e.o.> | von Amts wegen | |