Dictionary English German: erster

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ADJ  - | - | -
erster | erste | erstes
NOUN   der Erste/(ein) Erster | die Ersten
SYNO   Bester | Champion | Erster ... 
prime {adj} [German inflected; no lexical form]
erster [gebeugt; keine lexikalische Form]
first {adj} <1st> [German word used with {m} nouns without definite article, e.g. "erster Eindruck"]
Erster {m}
Erster {m} [im Ziel]
first (person)Erster {m}
first officerErster {m} [ugs.] [Erster Offizier]
2 Words: Others
first-class {adj}erster Güte [nachgestellt]
of the first chop [idiom]erster Klasse
of the first order {adj} [postpos.]erster Ordnung [nachgestellt]
of first priority {adj} [postpos.]erster Priorität [attr.] [nachgestellt]
first-choice {adj} [Am.]erster Wahl [nachgestellt]
of choice {adj} [postpos.]erster Wahl [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Nouns
relig. first Sunday in Adventerster Advent {m}
tech. first work steperster Arbeitsschritt {m}
first day of stayerster Aufenthaltstag {m}
sports first serve [tennis]erster Aufschlag {m} [Tennis]
sports first service [tennis]erster Aufschlag {m} [Tennis]
mus. theatre debuterster Auftritt {m}
bot. first flush [of plants]erster Austrieb {m} [von Pflanzen]
philos. relig. prime mover [Aristotle]erster Beweger {m} [Aristoteles]
primum mobileerster Beweggrund {m}
anat. VetMed. first thoracic vertebra <1st thoracic vertebra, T1 vertebra, T1> [Vertebra thoracica I]erster Brustwirbel {m} <1. Brustwirbel, Th1, Th 1>
pol. First Mayor [head of government of the German state of Hamburg]Erster Bürgermeister {m}
bibl. relig. First Epistle of Clement <1 Clement, 1 Clem.>Erster Clemensbrief {m} <1 Clem>
first impressionerster Eindruck {m}
rough sketcherster Entwurf {m}
tentative drafterster Entwurf {m}
film first filmerster Film {m}
film photo. rush printerster Filmabzug {m}
full moon next after the vernal equinoxerster Frühlingsvollmond {m}
automot. bottom gearerster Gang {m}
gastr. first courseerster Gang {m}
first gearerster Gang {m}
low gearerster Gang {m}
jobs mus. first violinist <1st violinist>erster Geiger {m} <1. Geiger>
ling. name First Grammarian [later name of the anonymous Old Icelandic author of the First Grammatical Treatise]Erster Grammatiker {m} [späterer Name des anonymen altisländischen Autors des Ersten Grammatischen Traktats]
anat. first cervical vertebra (of the spine) <C1> [atlas]erster Halswirbel {m} <C1> [Atlas]
primary dealererster Händler {m}
med. first desire to void <FDV> [cystometry, perceptual scale 2]erster Harndrang {m} [Zystometrie]
med. first urge to void [cystometry, perceptual scale 2]erster Harndrang {m} [Zystometrie]
anat. VetMed. cranial nerve I <CN I, CNI> [Nervus olfactorius] [first cranial nerve]erster Hirnnerv {m} <I. Hirnnerv> [Riechnerv]
sports inside centre [Br.] [rugby]erster Innendreiviertel {m}
math. first isomorphism theorem <FIT>erster Isomorphiesatz {m}
hist. mil. War of the First Coalition [1792-1797] [against revolutionary France]Erster Koalitionskrieg {m}
hist. pol. First Continental Congress [1774]Erster Kontinentalkongress {m}
first runerster Lauf {m}
anat. VetMed. first lumbar vertebra <1st lumbar vertebra, L1 vertebra, L1> [Vertebra lumbalis I]erster Lendenwirbel {m} <1. Lendenwirbel, L1, L 1>
May DayErster Mai {m} [Feiertag]
International Workers' DayErster Mai {m} [Kampftag der Arbeiterbewegung]
chief engineererster Maschinist {m}
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