Dictionary English German: episodes

Translation 1 - 14 of 14

English German
NOUN   an episode | episodes
Episoden {pl}
2 Words
med. recurrent episodesrezidivierende Episoden {pl}
3 Words
med. occasional episodes of ... [e.g. nausea]gelegentliche Episoden {pl} von ... [z. B. Übelkeit]
4 Words
psych. to suffer from depressive episodesan depressiven Episoden leiden
med. apnea and hypopnea episodes [Am.]Apnoe- und Hypopnoe-Episoden {pl}
med. apnoea and hypopnoea episodes [esp. Br.]Apnoe- und Hypopnoe-Episoden {pl}
RadioTV back-to-back episodes[aufeinander folgende Teile einer Fernsehserie]
psych. having episodes of dissociationDepersonalisationserleben {n}
med. multiple episodes of bronchitis [bronchitides]Bronchitiden {pl}
5+ Words
RadioTV (two) back-to-back episodes {pl}Doppelfolge {f} [zwei Episoden hintereinander]
RadioTV two / three / four back-to-back episodes {pl}zwei / drei / vier Episoden {pl} am Stück
RadioTV two / three / four back-to-back episodes {pl}zwei / drei / vier Episoden {pl} hintereinander
RadioTV two / three / four back-to-back episodes {pl}zwei / drei / vier Folgen {pl} am Stück
RadioTV two / three / four back-to-back episodes {pl}zwei / drei / vier Folgen {pl} hintereinander
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