Dictionary English German: entropy

Translation 1 - 42 of 42

English German
NOUN   an entropy | entropies
SYNO   S | entropy | randomness | entropy ... 
math. phys. entropy
Entropie {f}
comp. entropymittlerer Informationsgehalt {m}
2 Words: Nouns
philos. phys. anti-entropyAntientropie {f}
math. conditional entropybedingte Entropie {f}
stat. cross entropyKreuzentropie {f}
phys. entropy changeEntropieänderung {f}
phys. entropy densityEntropiedichte {f}
phys. entropy effects {pl}Entropieeffekt {m}
phys. entropy functionEntropiefunktion {f}
phys. entropy productionEntropieerzeugung {f}
biol. genetic entropygenetische Entropie {f}
math. joint entropyGesamtentropie {f}
math. joint entropyVerbundentropie {f}
stat. negative entropyNegentropie {f}
chem. phys. reaction entropyReaktionsentropie {f}
math. relative entropyrelative Entropie {f}
phys. standard entropyStandardentropie {f}
phys. transformation entropyUmwandlungsentropie {f}
3 Words: Nouns
phys. (irreversible) entropy generation(irreversible) Entropieproduktion {f}
phys. (irreversible) entropy production(irreversible) Entropieproduktion {f}
phys. change of entropyEntropieänderung {f}
phys. decrease in entropyEntropieabnahme {f}
phys. entropy of evaporationVerdampfungsentropie {f}
phys. entropy of fusionSchmelzentropie {f}
phys. entropy of mixingMischungsentropie {f}
chem. phys. entropy of reactionReaktionsentropie {f}
phys. entropy of vaporizationVerdampfungsentropie {f}
phys. increase in entropyEntropiezunahme {f}
phys. law of entropyEntropiesatz {m}
phys. maximum entropy method <MEM>Maximum-Entropie-Methode {f} <MEM>
chem. phys. molar reaction entropymolare Reaktionsentropie {f}
chem. phys. molar standard entropymolare Standardentropie {f}
chem. phys. standard reaction entropyStandardreaktionsentropie {f}
4 Words: Nouns
phys. conservation of entropy equationEntropieerhaltungsgleichung {f}
phys. conservation of entropy equationEntropiegleichung {f}
chem. phys. molar entropy of fusionmolare Schmelzentropie {f}
chem. phys. molar entropy of reactionmolare Reaktionsentropie {f}
chem. phys. molar entropy of vaporizationmolare Verdampfungsentropie {f}
chem. phys. molar standard reaction entropymolare Standardreaktionsentropie {f}
chem. phys. standard entropy of reactionStandardreaktionsentropie {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
chem. phys. standard molar entropy of reactionmolare Standardreaktionsentropie {f}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Against Entropy [US title] [Michael Frayn]Gegen Ende des Morgens
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