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 | tight {adj} [narrow, close] | 7211 eng [Kleidung, Beziehung] |  |
 | narrow {adj} [also fig.] | 2107 eng [schmal] [auch fig.] |  |
 | closely {adv} | 1225 eng |  |
 | strait {adj} [archaic] [narrow; also: affording little space; fitting tightly (clothes)] | 654 eng [auch: beengt; eng anliegend (Kleidung)] |  |
 | ling. English {adj} <Eng., Engl.> | 649 englisch <engl.> |  |
 | close {adj} | 379 eng [nah, vertraut] |  |
 | cramped {adj} [conditions] | 231 eng [beengt, auch: beschränkt, bescheiden (Verhältnisse)] |  |
 | poky {adj} [room, house] | 76 eng [Zimmer etc.] |  |
 | pokey {adj} [spv.] [poky] [small, narrow] | 59 eng |  |
 | parochial {adj} | 59 eng [beschränkt] |  |
 | tightly {adv} [narrowly, closely] | 49 eng |  |
Nouns |
 | engin. jobs engineer <eng.> | 1021 Ingenieur {m} <Ing.> |  |
 | educ. Doctor of Engineering <D.Eng, D.Engr., Dr.Eng., Eng.D> | Doktoringenieur {m} <Dr.-Ing.> |  |
 | MedTech. electroneurography <ENG> | Elektroneurographie {f} <ENG> |  |
 | MedTech. electronystagmography <ENG> | Elektronystagmographie {f} <ENG> |  |
 | phonet. eng <ŋ, Ŋ> | Eng {n} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | closely spaced {adj} | eng aneinanderliegend |  |
 | cloth. formfitting {adj} | eng anliegend |  |
 | cloth. skinny {adj} | eng anliegend |  |
 | cloth. skintight {adj} | eng anliegend |  |
 | cloth. tight {adj} [tight-fitting] | eng anliegend |  |
 | cloth. close-fitting {adj} | eng anliegend |  |
 | cloth. form-fitting {adj} | eng anliegend |  |
 | cloth. tight-fitting {adj} | eng anliegend |  |
 | cloth. tightly fitting {adj} | eng anliegend |  |
 | cloth. snug {adj} [close-fitting] | eng anliegend [auch: enganliegend] |  |
 | cloth. slim-fit {adj} [attr.] | eng anliegend [schlanke Passform] |  |
 | cloth. slinky {adj} | eng anliegend [z. B. Kleid] |  |
 | law interpreted narrowly {adj} {past-p} | eng ausgelegt |  |
 | chummy {adj} [coll.] | eng befreundet |  |
 | narrow {adj} | eng begrenzt |  |
 | at close quarters {adv} [idiom] | eng beieinander |  |
 | narrowly defined {adj} {past-p} | eng definiert |  |
 | intimately involved {adj} | eng eingebunden |  |
 | narrow {adj} [fig.] [narrowly conceived or defined] | eng gefasst |  |
 | closely tied {past-p} | eng gekoppelt |  |
 | compact {adj} | eng gepackt |  |
 | cloth. tight-laced {adj} | eng geschnürt |  |
 | textil. close-knit {adj} | eng gestrickt |  |
 | cloth. close-fitting {adj} | eng sitzend |  |
 | cloth. tech. tight-fitting {adj} | eng sitzend |  |
 | close-knit {adj} [fig.] | eng verbunden |  |
 | closely linked {adj} | eng verbunden |  |
 | tight-knit {adj} | eng verbunden |  |
 | closely intertwined {adj} {past-p} | eng verflochten |  |
 | entwined {adj} {past-p} | eng verschlungen |  |
 | congeneric {adj} | eng verwandt |  |
 | closely related {adj} | eng verwandt |  |
 | tight-knit {adj} | eng verwoben |  |
 | close-drawn {adj} | eng zugezogen |  |