Dictionary English German: enden

Translation 1 - 67 of 67

NOUN1   das Ende | die Enden
NOUN2   das Enden | -
VERB   enden | endete | geendet
SYNO   anhalten | aufhören | beilegen ... 
to cease
to expire
to end
to conclude
to finish [end, draw to an end]
to close
to terminate
to come outenden
to conclude (with)enden
to come to an end [idiom]enden
to end upenden [an einem Ort, in einer Situation etc.]
to land up [coll.] [in a place, situation etc.]enden [an einem Ort, in einer Situation etc.]
RadioTV to go off air [broadcast]enden [Sendung]
Enden {pl}
upshotsEnden {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
to come to an abrupt endabrupt enden
to come to an abrupt endingabrupt enden
to come to an abrupt stopabrupt enden
to wind up asenden als
to wind up [coll.]enden in [ugs.] [z. B. in meinem Haus, Bett]
to terminate on ... [date]enden zum ... [Datum]
to turn out wellgut enden
to end (up) in sth.in etw.Dat. enden
to end in tearstränenreich enden
2 Words: Nouns
both endsbeide Enden {pl}
biotech. sticky endsklebrige Enden {pl}
biotech. blunt endsstumpfe Enden {pl}
four corners [esp. biblical]vier Enden {pl} [bes. biblisch]
3 Words: Others
at all fronts {adv} [fig.]an allen Enden [Redewendung] [überall]
at either end {adv}an beiden Enden
at either end {adv}auf beiden Enden
incessant {adj}nicht enden wollend
unending {adj}nicht enden wollend
never-ending {adj}nicht enden wollend
3 Words: Verbs
to go to the gibbet [fig.]am Galgen enden
to end up on the gallowsam Galgen enden
to piss when you can't whistle [Br.] [coll.] [archaic]am Strick enden [erhängt werden]
to finish up in jailim Gefängnis enden [Person]
to come to nothingim Nichts enden
3 Words: Nouns
bike front fork endsEnden {pl} der Vorderradgabel
4 Words: Others
It is bound to end in disaster.Das wird böse enden.
It will come out all right.Es wird gut enden.
4 Words: Verbs
to end up on skid row [esp. Am.] [coll.]auf der Straße enden [fig.] [ugs.]
idiom to end up in the gutterin der Gosse enden
to end in a pointin einer Spitze enden
to end in tragedyin einer Tragödie enden
to end on a sour notemit (einer) Enttäuschung enden
4 Words: Nouns
endless tasknicht enden wollende Aufgabe {f}
constant sorrownicht enden wollende Sorge {f}
banana problem [fig.]nicht enden wollendes Problem {n}
5+ Words: Others
high and low {adv} [idiom] [everywhere]an allen Ecken und Enden [ugs.] [Redewendung] [überall]
in all the nooks and crannies {adv} [idiom] [everywhere]an allen Ecken und Enden [ugs.] [Redewendung] [überall]
in every nook and cranny {adv} [idiom] [everywhere]an allen Ecken und Enden [ugs.] [Redewendung] [überall]
on every day that ends with / in 'y' {adv} [hum.]an allen Tagen die mit „g“ enden und mittwochs [hum.]
hunting zool. This stag's antlers have twelve points.Das Geweih dieses Hirsches hat zwölf Enden.
It doesn't have to end this way.Es muss nicht so enden.
sb. is short of sth.jdm. fehlt etw.Nom. an allen Ecken und Enden [Redewendung]
pol. quote Republics end through luxury; monarchies through poverty. [Charles de Montesquieu]Republiken enden durch Luxus, Monarchien durch Armut.
It doesn't have to end this way.So muss es nicht enden.
How do you expect it to end?Wie, glauben Sie, wird das enden? [formelle Anrede]
Where will it all end?Wo wird das noch enden?
5+ Words: Verbs
to cut corners [coll.] [idiom]an allen Ecken und Enden sparen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to end in deadlockan einem toten Punkt enden
to feazedie Enden eines Seils aufzwirbeln
idiom to burn the candle at both endsdie Kerze an beiden Enden anzünden [sich überfordern]
law to end in a hung juryohne Mehrheitsvotum der Geschworenen enden
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Time Must Have a Stop [Aldous Huxley]Zeit muss enden
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