Dictionary English German: election

Translation 1 - 50 of 283  >>

English German
NOUN   an election | elections
pol. election {adj} [attr.]
pol. election
Wahl {f}
pol. election
Abstimmung {f}
pol. election
Kür {f} [Wahl]
Erwählung {f}
spec. election
Elektion {f}
electionErkiesung {f} [veraltet]
relig. election [chosenness]Auserwähltheit {f}
hist. pol. election [in Holy Roman Empire]Kur {f} [Wahl] [im Heiligen Römischen Reich]
2 Words: Nouns
pol. (election) campaignersWahlkämpfer {pl}
pol. (election) turnoutWahlbeteiligung {f}
relig. abbatial election [election of an abbey]Abtwahl {f}
relig. abbatial election [election of an abbot]Abtswahl {f}
annual electionjährliche Wahl {f}
pol. bogus electionScheinwahl {f}
by-electionErgänzungswahl {f}
by-electionErsatzwahl {f}
pol. by-electionNachwahl {f}
by-electionNebenwahl {f}
by-electionZwischenwahl {f}
pol. bye-election [spv.]Nachwahl {f}
pol. cantonal electionKantonalwahl {f}
pol. close electionknapper Wahlausgang {m}
pol. close electionWahl {f} mit knappem Ausgang
pol. congressional electionKongresswahl {f}
pol. contested electionangefochtene Wahl {f}
contested electionWahl {f} bei mehr als einem Bewerber
pol. council electionKommunalwahl {f}
pol. democratic electiondemokratische Wahl {f}
pol. early electionvorgezogene Wahl {f}
pol. election addressWahlrede {f}
pol. election analysisWahlanalyse {f}
pol. election assistantWahlhelfer {m}
pol. election assistant [female]Wahlhelferin {f}
pol. election blowWahldebakel {n}
election boardWahlvorstand {m}
pol. election bodyWahlgremium {n}
pol. election boycottWahlboykott {m}
pol. election campaignWahlfeldzug {m}
pol. election campaignWahlkampagne {f}
pol. election campaignWahlkampf {m}
pol. election campaignsWahlfeldzüge {pl}
pol. election commissionWahlausschuss {m}
pol. election commissionWahlkommission {f}
pol. election commissionerWahlkommissar {m}
pol. election commissioner [female]Wahlkommissarin {f}
pol. election committeeWahlausschuss {m}
pol. election committeeWahlkomitee {n}
econ. jobs pol. election committee [of a union, works council, etc.]Wahlvorstand {m} [einer Gewerkschaft, eines Betriebsrates usw.]
pol. election crisisWahlkrise {f}
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