Dictionary English German: eco driving

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automot. traffic eco-drivingökologisches Fahren {n}
Partial Matches
ecol. EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme <EMAS>Eco-Management und Audit-Scheme {n} <EMAS> [Umwelt- und Öko-Audit]
sports driving range [Golf]Driving Range {f} [Übungsplatz]
ecol. eco- {adj}öko-
ecol. eco- {prefix}Öko-
ecol. eco-efficient {adj}umwelteffizient
ecol. eco-friendly {adj}umweltfreundlich
ecol. eco-minded {adj}umweltbewusst
ecol. pol. eco-political {adj}umweltpolitisch
comm. ecol. eco fairÖkomesse {f}
ecol. jobs eco-acousticianÖkoakustiker {m}
ecol. pol. eco-activistÖkoaktivist {m}
psych. eco-anxietyÖkoangst {f}
ecol. psych. eco-anxietyUmweltangst {f}
ecol. eco-crimesUmweltverbrechen {pl}
ecol. eco-disasterÖkodesaster {n}
ecol. eco-efficiencyÖkoeffizienz {f}
ecol. eco-fanaticÖkofanatiker {m}
ecol. textil. eco-fibresÖkofasern {pl}
ecol. eco-friendlinessUmweltfreundlichkeit {f}
comm. ecol. eco-grocerBioladen {m}
travel eco-holidayBiourlaub {m}
eco-hysteriaÖkowahnsinn {m}
eco-labelUmweltsiegel {n}
ecol. textil. eco-linenÖkoleinen {n}
ecol. journ. publ. eco-magazineUmweltzeitschrift {f}
ecol. ind. tech. eco-powerÖkostrom {m}
comm. ecol. eco-productBioprodukt {n}
comm. ecol. eco-productsBioprodukte {pl}
ecol. travel eco-terrorismÖkoterrorismus {m}
ecol. travel eco-terroristÖkoterrorist {m}
ecol. econ. eco-social {adj}öko-sozial
ecol. eco-unfriendly {adj}ökologisch bedenklich
ecol. un-eco {adj}nicht umweltfreundlich
automot. ecol. eco car [coll.]Umweltauto {n}
ecol. eco coffinumweltfreundlicher Sarg {m}
archi. ecol. eco homeÖko-Haus {n}
ecol. jobs eco-acoustician [female]Ökoakustikerin {f}
eco-activismÖko-Aktivismus {m}
ecol. pol. eco-activistÖko-Aktivist {m}
ecol. pol. eco-activist [female]Ökoaktivistin {f}
eco-anarchismÖko-Anarchismus {m}
ecol. textil. eco-cottonÖko-Baumwolle {f}
ecol. eco-fanatic [female]Ökofanatikerin {f}
archi. ecol. eco-houseÖko-Haus {n}
ecol. eco-labelling [Br.]Umweltzeichen {n}
comm. ecol. eco-marketÖko-Markt {m}
ecol. pol. eco-movementÖko-Bewegung {f}
comm. ecol. eco-sealÖko-Siegel {n}
ecol. pol. eco-warrior [coll.]Umweltaktivist {m}
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