| English | German | |
| – |
| Draw! [weapon] | 229 Zieh! [Waffe] | |
Verbs |
| to draw [with a pencil etc.] | 3687 zeichnen | |
| to draw [pull, trace] | 1851 ziehen | |
| to draw [attract] | 1015 anlocken | |
| fin. to draw sth. [a salary, a pension, benefits, etc.] | 643 etw. beziehen [ein Gehalt, eine Rente, Leistungen etc.] | |
| to draw [with a pencil etc.] | 592 malen | |
| to draw [beer] | 503 zapfen | |
| to draw [water, air etc.] | 468 saugen | |
| to draw [with a pencil etc.] | 412 abzeichnen [abmalen] | |
| to draw sth. [with a pencil etc.] | 384 etw. aufzeichnen [zeichnen] | |
| to draw [disembowel] | 328 ausweiden | |
| to draw sth. [a crowd, an audience etc.] | 119 etw. anziehen [Publikum etc.] | |
| to draw sth. [knife, sword etc.] | 101 etw. zücken [blankziehen] | |
| to draw sth. [take or receive by chance] | 32 etw. ziehen [Los, Losgewinn usw.] | |
| games sports to draw [esp. in chess] | 20 remisieren | |
| fin. to draw | einen Wechsel ziehen | |
| sports to draw sth. | in etw.Dat. unentschieden spielen | |
Nouns |
| sports draw [tied game] | 3563 Unentschieden {n} | |
| sports draw [for matches, contests] | 493 Auslosung {f} | |
| sports draw [tied game] | 277 Gleichstand {m} | |
| draw [e.g. lottery draw] | 192 Ziehung {f} | |
| draw [attraction] | 158 Magnet {m} [fig.] [etwas Anziehendes] | |
| games sports draw [tied game] | 96 Remis {n} | |
| geogr. geol. draw [gully] | 33 Rinne {f} [Geländevertiefung] | |
| draw [raffle] | 28 Verlosung {f} | |
| draw [appeal] | 11 Anziehungskraft {f} [Attraktivität] | |
| sports draw [tied scores] | 10 Punktgleichheit {f} | |
| automot. tech. draw | 9 Ziehanlage {f} [Werkzeugbau, Blechumformung] | |
| draw [event, person] | 8 Attraktion {f} | |
| games sports draw [e.g. chess] | 7 Punkteteilung {f} [z. B. Schach] | |
| draw [play, film] | Kassenschlager {m} [ugs.] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to cold draw | kaltziehen | |
| electr. to draw (current) | (Strom) aufnehmen | |
| to draw back | zurückweichen | |
| to draw back | sich zurückziehen | |
| fin. to draw benefits | Leistungen beziehen | |
| to draw blood | Blut abnehmen | |
| idiom to draw blood [fig.] | böses Blut erzeugen | |
| idiom to draw blood [fig.] | böses Blut schaffen | |
| to draw blood [idiom] [cause a wound] | eine blutende Wunde verursachen [durch Tier, Mensch] | |
| fin. to draw bonds | Obligationen auslosen | |
| to draw boundaries | Grenzlinien ziehen | |
| to draw breath | Atem holen | |
| to draw breath | Atem schöpfen | |
| to draw breath | Luft holen | |
| to draw butterflies [flowers, blossoms] | Schmetterlinge anlocken [Blüten] | |
| to draw comparisons | Vergleiche anstellen | |
| to draw comparisons | Vergleiche ziehen | |
| to draw criticism | Kritik auf sich ziehen | |
| to draw derision | Spott ernten | |