Dictionary English German: double entry

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NOUN1   a double entry | double entries
NOUN2   a double-entry | double-entries
SYNO   double entry | double-entry bookkeeping
double-entryDoppeleintrag {m}
acc. double entrydoppelte Verbuchung {f}
acc. double-entry accountingdoppelte Buchführung {f}
acc. double-entry bookkeepingdoppelte Buchführung {f}
acc. admin. double-entry bookkeepingDoppik {f} [öffentliche Verwaltung]
acc. double-entry bookkeeping systemSystem {n} der doppelten Buchführung
Partial Matches
film F I Was Monty's Double [John Guillermin]Ich war Montys Double
sports league and cup double [football]nationales Double {n}
to do the doubledas Double schaffen
film body doubleDouble {n} für Nacktaufnahmen
sports double hit [fencing]Doublé {n} [Fechten]
ind. entry-exit modelEntry-Exit-Modell {n}
gastr. double creamCrème double {f}
sports double winnerDouble-Gewinner {m}
econ. double dip (recession)Double-dip {n} [kurz für: Double-dip Rezession]
comp. double-sided / double density {adj} <DS/DD, DSDD>zweiseitig / doppelte Dichte [auch: beidseitig / doppelte Dichte] [auch engl. Abk.: DS/DD, DSDD]
gastr. Double GloucesterDouble Gloucester {m} [aromatische, weiche englische Käsesorte]
med. double minutes <DM> [in oncology; small fragments of extrachromosomal DNA]Double minutes {pl} <DM> [Onkologie]
double lift [sleight-of-hand]Double Lift {m}
mus. doubleDouble {m} [Diminuition]
film stunt doubleDouble {n}
educ. double degree [esp. Am.]Double-Degree {m}
econ. double pricingDouble Pricing {n} [diskriminierende Preise]
automot. double-bubble roofDouble-Bubble-Dach {n}
mining entryAbbaustrecke {f}
entryBetreten {n}
entryBuchung {f}
entryEinfahrt {f}
entryEinfuhr {f}
entryEingabe {f}
entryEingang {m}
entryEinreise {f}
spec. entryEinspeisung {f}
entryEinsprungstelle {f}
entryEintrag {m}
entryEintragung {f}
entryEintreten {n}
entryEintritt {m}
entryNennung {f}
entryZugang {m}
entryZutritt {m}
absolute entryAbsoluteintragung {f}
fin. account entryKonteneintrag {m}
accounting entryBuchung {f}
added entryNebeneintragung {f}
adjusting entryBerichtigungsbuchung {f}
acc. adjusting entryKorrekturbuchung {f}
acc. adjusting entryUmbuchung {f}
adjustment entryBerichtigungsbuchung {f}
adjustment entryBerichtigungseintrag {m}
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