Dictionary English German: doll

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NOUN   a doll | dolls
SYNO   doll | dolly | bird | chick | dame ... 
ADJ  doll | doller | am dollsten ... 
really {adv} [very]
doll [ugs.] [regional] [sehr]
terrific {adj} [coll.] [extremely good or intense, often used in a sarcastic sense]
doll [ugs.] [großartig oder sehr ausgeprägt, oft im ironischen Sinn gebraucht] [vgl. toll]
unbelievable {adj}
doll [ugs.] [unglaublich]
toys doll {adj} [attr.] [e.g. collector, factory, maker, repairer]
Puppen- [z. B. Sammler, Fabrik, Macher, Doktor]
toys doll's {adj} [attr.] [e.g. clothes, face, hospital, house, pram]Puppen- [z. B. Kleider, Gesicht, Krankenhaus, Haus, Wagen]
toys doll
Puppe {f}
doll [Am.] [coll.] [kind person]
Schatz {m} [Kosewort]
doll [Am.] [coll.] [young woman]
Puppe {f} [ugs.] [veraltend] [Mädchen]
Zierpuppe {f}
toys doll
Docke {f} [südd.] [österr.] [veraltet] [Puppe]
toys dollDockennandl {n} [bayer.]
doll [Am.] [coll.] [kind man]prima Kerl {m}
2 Words: Others
doll-like {adj}puppenhaft
so bad {adv} [coll.] [urgently]ganz doll [ugs.]
2 Words: Verbs
cloth. to doll sb. up [Am.] [coll.] [dress up]jdn. herausputzen [feinmachen]
to doll up [Am.]hochstylen [ugs.]
to doll up [coll.]sich herausputzen
2 Words: Nouns
toys (toy) dollSpielzeugpuppe {f}
artist dollKünstlerpuppe {f}
toys babushka (doll) [Matryoshka doll]Babuschka {f} [ugs.] [Matrjoschka, Matroschka]
toys babushka doll [Matryoshka doll]Babuschka-Puppe {f} [ugs.] [Matrjoschka, Matroschka-Puppe]
toys baby dollBabypuppe {f}
cloth. baby-dollBabydoll {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
toys Barbie (doll)®Barbie® {f} [kurz für: Barbiepuppe]
toys Barbie doll®Barbiepuppe {f} [auch fig.: eingebildete / aufgedonnerte Blondine]
bisque dollPorzellanpuppe {f} [aus Biskuitporzellan]
hist. toys bisque dollBisque-Puppe {f}
toys bobblehead (doll)Wackelkopffigur {f}
toys bobblehead dollPuppe {f} mit Wackelkopf
boy dollKnabenpuppe {f}
toys china dollPorzellanpuppe {f}
toys china dollPuppe {f} aus Porzellan
collector's dollSammlerpuppe {f}
toys crochet dollHäkelpuppe {f}
toys doll accessoriesPuppensachen {pl} [Puppenzubehör]
toys doll buggy [Am.] [coll.]Puppenwagen {m}
toys doll carriage [Am.]Puppenkinderwagen {m}
toys doll carriage [Am.]Puppenwagen {m}
toys doll clothesPuppenkleider {pl}
toys doll collectionPuppensammlung {f}
toys doll collectorPuppensammler {m}
toys doll collector [female]Puppensammlerin {f}
doll cornerPuppenecke {f}
doll eyesPuppenaugen {pl}
ind. toys doll factoryPuppenfabrik {f}
doll festival [hina-matsuri, Japan, 3 March] [Girls' Day]Mädchenfest {n}
toys doll furniture {sg}Puppenmöbel {pl}
art toys doll headPuppenkopf {m}
doll house [Am.]Puppenhaus {n} [auch fig. kleines Haus]
toys doll house [Am.]Puppenstube {f}
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