| English | German  |  |
– | |
 | however {adv} | 2683 doch |  |
 | still {adv} | 867 doch |  |
 | yet {adv} | 730 doch |  |
 | but {adv} {conj} | 239 doch |  |
 | too {adv} [Am. coll.: certainly] | 218 doch |  |
 | nevertheless {adv} | 198 doch |  |
 | Sot! {adv} [Scot.] [on the contrary] | 58 Doch! |  |
 | after all {adv} | doch |  |
 | you know [coll.] | doch |  |
 | on the contrary {adv} | doch |  |
 | On the contrary! [contradicting a negative question or statement] | Doch! |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | after all {adv} | also doch |  |
 | There we go! [coll.] | Geht doch! [ugs.] |  |
 | Of course! | Gewiss doch! |  |
 | Cry me a river! [idiom] [sarcastic] | Heul doch! [ugs.] [sarkastisch] |  |
 | Yes, of course! | Ja, doch! |  |
 | Sure! | Klar doch! |  |
 | Do come! | Komm doch! |  |
 | Don't bother! | Lass doch! |  |
 | Don't! Stop it! | Nicht doch! |  |
 | after all {adv} | schließlich doch |  |
 | all the same {adv} | schließlich doch |  |
 | Sure, sure. | Sicher doch. |  |
 | Perhaps after all. | Vielleicht doch. |  |
 | Wait up! | Warte (doch)! |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | idiom Sure I am. | Aber klar doch! [ugs.] [bestätigend] |  |
 | idiom Sure I will. | Aber klar doch! [ugs.] [bestätigend] |  |
 | Why, yes. [Of course.] | Aber klar doch! [ugs.] [Selbstverständlich!] |  |
 | Of course not! | Aber nicht doch! |  |
 | after all {adv} | am Ende doch |  |
 | Face it, ... | Begreif's doch endlich, ... |  |
 | Are too! [coll.] | Bist du doch! [ugs.] |  |
 | Yes, I do, but ... | Doch, schon, aber ... [als Antwort] |  |
 | Give it a rest! | Hör doch auf! |  |
 | Get away with you! [Br.] [Aus.] [coll.] [dated] | Hör doch auf! [als Antwort auf eine für dumm oder unsinnig gehaltene Äußerung] |  |
 | Get out of here! [coll.] | Hör doch auf! [ugs.] [Das glaube ich dir nicht!] |  |
 | Do listen! | Hör doch zu! |  |
 | Not me! | Ich doch nicht! |  |
 | I hope so. | Ich hoffe doch. |  |
 | He is so! | Ist er doch! |  |
 | Forget it! | Lass es doch! |  |
 | Skip it! | Lass es doch! |  |
 | I suggest that we should ... [do sth.] | Lass uns doch ... [etw. tun, z. B. nach München fahren, einen Kostenvoranschlag einholen] |  |
 | Get stuffed! [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] | Leck mich doch! [derb] [pej.] |  |
 | Do it yourself! | Machs doch selber! [ugs.] |  |
 | No harm done. | Macht doch nichts. [ugs.] |  |
 | It is well known ... | Man weiß doch, ... |  |
 | Rather! [coll.] [dated] | Na klar (doch)! [ugs.] |  |
 | Mind what you're doing! | Pass doch auf! |  |
 | idiom I rest my case. | Sag ich doch. |  |